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There in the kitchen ....was a huge mess.my fingers twitched with how bad i wanted to clean it up .

"Goodmorning pumpkin."
"Goodmorning little dove"
"Goodmorning tiny"

The guys greeted and i said a absent minded goodmorning back. I wanted to help clean.I made my way to the mess but was whisked away by chess.noooooo-

"Doc said to rest.they can clean it up tiny." He said and i sighed. He lifted me and sat me on a clean space on the counter top. I frowned.

"Dont pout tiny" chess said and made himself another coffee.

"Help? " i asked again and he shook his head no. I just wanted to help.

"Please" i said and tried my puppy dog eyes again . He looked at me and dropped his spoon. He turned away and shook his head no. bananas!

" nope , those baby greens dont work on me tiny" he said and cleaned up his mess and sat in a chair next to me. I frowned as we both watched ian and liam bicker and make a bigger mess.

Finally everything was cleaned up and i sucessfully escaped chess to help out too. I was helping set the table now .

"Hey chess todays the day right?" Ian said and i raised a brow confused.

"Yeah..... its obvious whos going to get them" chess said and sighed. Why was he sad ? Get what ?

" youll have visitations or turns right? Does that work for babies  too?" Liam asked and i was even more confused. I shouldnt pry. I finished setting the table and made my way to the living room. I turned on the tv and smiled as my show was on.


I was called for breakfast and i made my way to them . Ian sat me down on a chair and served me some food. No pancakes today sadly.

"Sang today were going to go out and run some errands, we're also going to accompany chess somewhere. " i nodded my head and smiled at all the free time I'll have to watch tv and clean the house.

"First we'll take you to buy some outfits little dove ,maybe even books or other knick nacks ." Liam said and i smiled. Books!i frowned. I didnt have any money though. How could i pay them back?Maybe when i work i can pay them back!!

"Sang would you like to take a bath or a Shower Once breakfast is done? We're going to be gone all day and out places."ian asked and i nodded. Why woukd i need to bathe or shower if theyre going to be gone all day?

"Stop pestering her ,she hasn't even touched her food. tiny you can eat your food."i nodded at chess's words and ate my omelette.

I tried my best to finish it and sadly left a little on my plate. I saw chip near me and poked him.he looked up at me and i slid the omlete to him.he gobbled it and i smiled. The Mission was a success.now my plate was empty. I was going to get up and help clean but ian guided me to his room.

"Get some clothes and ill be in the bathroom filling up the tub. " i nodded and walked to his closet and pulled out my pair of pants , a shirt, my undie and my bra. I took a pair of socks from ian and my pink converses off the ground.

I made my way to the tub and giggled when i saw ian pushing chip away.

"Go away fucking mutt, its not your bath its sangs" ian talked to the dog and i chuckled.he held a whole conversation with him . I saw him look up at me and give me one of his signature smiles.

"Its ready pumpkin , ill be waiting outside call me if you need anything or need help." He said and i nodded. He shooed out chip and then walked out and closed the door behind him.

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