“Now, you need to listen very carefully,” began Edward, solemnly “The soldiers will come and we’ll most likely be executed. You must flee the city. You need to get to safety. Ravana won’t want you alive or you might fight back. He can’t find you.”

“But we cannot go,” protested Rebecca.

“My children, we do not like this anymore than you, but you must leave. Go and find somewhere safe and try to start new lives somewhere,” said Anna, tears welling in her eyes.

“Come with us, please,”  pleaded Carla.

“We are known across the realm, my dears. We would be instantly recognized and handed over. You will be able to disguise yourselves. You are intelligent girls. I know you’ll be able to escape,” apologized Edward, gently “Please, leave.”

There were several minutes of solemn silence and then Carla nodded.

“Thank you,” breathed the king and queen in unison, relief taking over their expressions.

“I’ll take care of us all,” promised Carla, being the eldest at fifteen.

“You must not delay,” said Edward.

“What about Katherine?” Rebecca quizzed as tears began to roll down her ivory white cheeks.

“We’ll find her and we’ll send her to you. She’ll be able to follow the tracks. And when you are together she will be able to cover them up. I know she practices her fighting and hunting,” revealed Edward "Well, I had no idea until your mother told me."

The two girls embraced their parents; their mother trying desperately not to break down in front of them and Carla fighting to stay strong for her younger sister.

“Go now, run and never look back,” urged Anna, her voice cracking at the end.

Carla took Rebecca’s hand and coaxed her from the room. Then, she led her into her chambers which were just down the corridor, trying her hardest not to acknowledge the heart-wrenching sobs coming from the chambers they had just left.

“Guards,” called Anna from the chambers after Edward had went to rejoin the fighting.

“Yes, your majesty,” he said, bowing his head.

“I want every guard, every available knight to look for Katherine. I need to see her immediately,” ordered Anna.

“Yes, your majesty,” he said before rushing out to carry out her orders.

Anna sunk back into the chair and willed herself not to cry. She was the queen. She was what held the kingdom together. She had to be strong.

Katherine tucked her sword into the belt around her trousers as she headed back into the palace through the servants’ entrance, hoping not to be caught in this attire. She knew she’d be in huge trouble for missing embroidery, especially with the war, but she decided it was worth it rather than to become an airhead lady like the rest of the court. She would also face Carla’s wrath since she had disappeared without her, leaving her to suffer the embroidery.

“My lady,” one of two guards stopped her.

Katherine did a double take. It was a rare occurrence for the guards to be in the servants’ passages; usually only when they were searching for someone. She really was in big trouble if the guards were looking for her.

“Yes?” questioned Katherine, nonchalantly.

“The queen has instructed us to find you and bring you to her,” enlightened the second guard, before turning and walking back into the main part of the castle with his partner, clearly expecting her to follow.

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