It was her fault in the first place.

And after the waitress left I didn’t want to look at Shawn or Megan, but eventually I couldn’t take it anymore.

I leaned in my booth, looking straight at into those familiar blue eyes that had managed to steal my attention from day one. She was sitting in awkward silence, along with the rest of the table, and I could see a guilty expression written on her face.

Good, I thought, she has every right to feel guilty.

I sipped on my water, feeling the awkward tension surround me and threaten to break me in half. It was suffocating, but Megan glanced at me, and then looked at Shawn as if he would release some of the pressure. I knew I shouldn’t have come. I should’ve just waited until tomorrow to eat. I could’ve made it, easily.

“Well this is awkward.”

My eyes went wide at Blair’s comment, and I looked at her with a side-ways glance. I shook my head, “Really?”

“Just saying.”

Shawn sighed, silently agreeing with Blair as he leaned on the table, “So how’s school going for you two?”

This got Blair’s attention, and she started rambling to Shawn immediately, “It’s pretty great actually! All of my teachers are cool and I’m doing fairly well, it’s passing really fast…”

I allowed Blair’s voice to travel far away as I ignored her, looking at Megan and praying Shawn wouldn’t ask me. I could lie, yes, and I mean I was a really good liar, but Shawn knew me better than anyone else. Well, besides Blair or course.

He could always tell when I’m off.

Megan’s eyes continued to switch from me to Blair as she tried to convince everyone that she was actually listening. I wasn’t, which meant she wasn’t, which meant Shawn most definitely was not listening to Blair, but we were allowing her to fill the awkward silence.

Better to have something than nothing, right?

Then Megan’s leg grazed mine under the table again, and I clenched my jaw as I tried to force the inappropriate thoughts out of my head. I looked at her, seeing her eyes study me as I tried to scoot back. I wanted to stop touching her, but at the same time I didn’t, and it was really conflicting me.

Fuck her and her good looks.


I pulled my eyes away from Megan as I looked at Shawn, who was staring at me with a weird look on his face. I answered, “What?”

“How’s school?”

I rolled my eyes, knowing I should get rid of the attitude, but it was hard. I was still pissed off over this entire situation, and I really did not want to talk about school on a Saturday night.

Assisting Miss Adams (GirlXGirl) OLD VERSIONWhere stories live. Discover now