Protect || Chapter Seventeen

Start from the beginning

          Stiles glanced at Kat, looking at her if she was crazy before his eyes softened and he nodded.  He had this overwhelming feeling of trust in her words, and he couldn't stop himself from doing as she said.  He closed his eyes and started walking, letting out a deep breath.  Kat intensely watched, noticing the sound of defeat Stiles made when the amount of ash in his hand ran out.  She almost made the same noise, but her face split into a grin.  The mountain ash had magically spread the fifty feet and completed the ring around the building.  The supernatural inside were now trapped, and those outside were stuck.

          Kat squealed with happiness and jumped on Stiles, who was laughing in disbelief. "Yes!" He shouted, wrapping Kat in a hug and spinning her around.  He stumbled slightly as he put her down, sort of dropping her onto the trunk of a car and causing the alarm to blare, but the couple couldn't care less in their celebratory state.  As they came down from their ecstatic moods, Kat's phone started ringing.  Kat stood up off of the car, pulling her phone out of her pocket.  Isaac's name flashed across her screen.

          "I didn't know you had Isaac's number," Stiles said, his elated mood quickly dampening.

          "I didn't either.  Annie must've put it in." Kat said, pressing the answer button and putting the phone up to her ear. "Hello?"

          "We've got him, we're in a small room near the bathrooms."

          Before Kat could say anything, Isaac hung up.  Kat scoffed, putting the phone back into her shorts pocket.  She looked up at Stiles, grabbing his hand and starting towards the building, "They've already got Jackson and they want us to meet them."

          The couple maneuvered through the crowded hallways to the bathrooms.  Kat felt Stiles walking directly behind her, his hands on her waist so he wouldn't lose her in the sea of sweaty teens.  Kat followed Erica's cheap perfume (which was surprisingly easy considering the plethora of different scents that had crossed her path) and they quickly made their way to the small room at the end of the hallway.

          Kat opened the door and was met with the glowing gold eyes of Erica and Isaac.  She sort of fell back into Stiles's chest, holding her hands up in defense and shouting, "Woah, no, no, no!  Just us, it's just us!  Chill your little werewolf asses."

          She and Stiles moved into the room, Stiles quickly shutting the door behind himself and looking towards Jackson.  He was unconscious in a metal chair in the middle, looking as uncomfortable as one could.

          "Is he okay?" Stiles asked, shuffling further into the room.

          Isaac stepped up beside Jackson, "Well . . . Let's find out." He dramatically grew his claws out and went to slash them across Jackson's chest, but Jackson's arm shot up and his hand enclosed around Isaac's wrist.  Kat could hear the bones breaking as Isaac groaned in pain and fell to the floor.  He finally yanked his hand out of Jackson's grasp and retreated back to the other side of the room.

          "Okay, no one does anything like that again, okay?" Stiles said, somewhat sarcastically as Kat moved towards Isaac.  He was huddled in the corner, trying to heal his broken bones.  Kat helped him stand up, and as soon as she placed a hand on his arm he stopped whimpering in pain and she felt a jolt of something strike up her arm as her veins became black and visible.

          "Stiles, I thought the ketamine was supposed to put him out?" Kat asked, shaking out her hand as the black in her veins disappeared.  She stood up straight again, brows furrowed as she looked at her hand. What the hell just happened, she thought.

          Stiles sighed, "Yeah, well, apparently this is all we're gonna get.  So let's just hope that whoever's controlling him just decided to show up tonight."

Protect || Stiles Stilinski DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now