Chapter 6

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~ Chinami's POV

The first sense that came to me was hearing, water was dropping bit by bit. The first thing I did when my eyes fluttered open was look around into the utter darkness until candles lit a glowing blue path for me.

"Huh?" I questioned whether I should follow, but it was the only source I had for light at the moment.

As I traveled down the path I noticed that the blue light was actually a ball of lightning. The further I got down the path I felt like someone had been watching me.

"Is anyone there?" I called out. The response I received was a low growl, which caused me to hesitate going forward.

I let my curiosity get the best of me and continued down the path in silence. Walking for what seemed like forever I was stopped by what I thought was a wall. Although it was too furry to be a wall.

More blue lights started to light up all around giving me a better view of the area. As I backed up I stepped on a huge chain that led my eyes to a three-eyed beast that stared down upon me.

My mouth hung open in fear, but my feet remained glued to the ground.

"Finally I get to meet the weakling in which I'm sealed in" His voice made me jump out of my skin I could still feel the vibration under my skin as it slowly disappeared.

"it was you then" I gasped in realization that he was the one in control of my actions and that mans death. "You killed him"

"Don't seem so surprised someone has to protect you because you're so weak... that man was going to kill you, but because you black out the one that really needed to be killed got away" He scuffed.

"What!!! So you're blaming me for your false target" Unbelievable. I was used to kill a man and now I'm being blamed for attacking the wrong target.

"Yes, I am blaming you maybe if you were stronger then you wouldn't have blacked out" He laid his head back down with an annoyed expression.

"I'm only six!!!" I yelled, however, he ignored me closing his eyes as if he were to go to sleep. "It would be nice if you told me your name" We did meet, but I don't know much about him.

"Raiju my child now if you would let me rest while I also think of a way to destroy my enemy next time we meet" Everything around me started to get brighter and bright until Raiju was no longer in sight.

Maybe it was just a dream I thought to myself.

I woke up in an unfamiliar room in a hospital bed. My mind was clear and blanked, it was as if I couldn't think of anything at all. I raised my arm to scratch my head only to find that I was cuffed on both arms strapped down to the bed.

"Kakashi!!!" I yelled in panic as I jerked and thrashed trying to get free.

Armed men burst into the room ready to attack me for some reason. Some of them were scared and some remained calm.

"Get away from me!" I cried out thrashing around. "Kakashi!!!" With all the thrashing and pulling the cuffs broke off. The men pulled out their weapons cautiously staring at my every move.

"stand your ground she's just a child she's going nowhere" one of the men said holding up his Kunai to me.

"Hold still" another said walking towards me with a syringe. A reassuring smile plastered across his face as he meant no harm. What scared me most was the liquid in the syringe.

I trusted none of them even followed by the events that just took place. Whose to say that he won't kill me with that? Even with that being said what's to stop him from being Raiju's next victim.

He killed the last guy that threatened to kill me. I wouldn't want an extra body on my mind. Quickly thinking I threw my pillow at his face jumping from the bed then I slid under the legs of the guy blocking the door.

"How could you let her escape?" They started yelling at each other before heading after me.

I picked up my speed running right around the corner crashing into a tall hard figure causing me to fall back.

The men came around the corner stopping right behind me bowing their heads in respect before the figure.

"Lord Kazekage, we apologize for letting her slip away" one started.

"Slip away?" He questioned raising an eyebrow. That stern look seemed to have never left his face I even wondered if he had ever smiled in his life.

"What's with all the commotion?" I looked around the Kazekage to see Kakashi walking towards us. I stood up jumping into his arms crying.

"I want to go home Kakashi" I whined rubbing my face against his stomach. He rested his hand on my head rubbing it to give me comfort.

"Fine kid I finished my mission...we can go home" Kakashi turned his head from me closing his eyes. When I was about to ask what was wrong I felt something stick me in my arm and began to feel sleepy.

The last guy I had seen was the guy that held the syringe.

I woke up about 30 minutes later. My head was hurting badly as I tried to move my arm it was once again chained to the bed.
I noticed the Kazekage and Kakashi walking into the room.

"Chinami we just need to ask you a few questions" I still felt a bit drowsy so I couldn't fight to get away if I wanted to. They must be scared of me right about now.

"What happened in the woods before we got there?" I tried to avoid his stern stare but they did indeed burn into the side of my head. Now I can only image how hard he's staring at me.

"There was four men plotting an attack on the village they wanted to take Gaara,but then one of the guys found me" Tears flowed down my face as I stared up at the ceiling remembering everything that had happened.

"He snatched me by my hair and wouldn't let go shaking me around like some lifeless doll... then I wasn't in control of my body anymore and my arm resembled that of a beast but by then the mans face was clawed it's like I could see everything but I couldn't take action" I didn't want to continue. I just wanted Kakashi to take me home before anything else could happen.

"And then you touched the guy and killed him... on top of that you had a third eye... what Jinchuriki do you have?" He asked narrowing his eyes at me.

"Raiju" I whispered looking at Kakashi with a saddened scared expression. "I want to go home" I whispered tugging at the chains as the Kazekage stared at me wide eyes.

"The lightening Beast Raiju of fire and lightning" he stood from his seat turning to Kakashi. "I already have one uncontrollable jinchuriki to deal with I don't want another placed into my hands" Kakashi came and untied me helping me out of the bed.

He bowed to the Kazekage thanking him for everything. I did the same thing, but this time it felt awkward I felt like a total stranger.

And with that we waisted no time in heading back to the lead village with me on his back.

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