Chapter 21

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~Chinami's POV

It's been a month after my kidnapping, a month since my father has been held prisoner by the hidden leaf. I still don't how to make sense of all that happened after all that he did.

Kakashi and I haven't said much to each other since then and we haven't spoken about him.

Honestly, I only ever left to go on missions for Tsunade. Everyone's been worried about me and I can understand why. I'm usually more energetic and out, but lately I've been the opposite of those things.

Gaara has been busy also it's unclear how he feels about me.

Maybe I should stop dreaming and just move on. He should have found someone by now and must be getting married soon.

"What's with the sad face?" I stopped dead in my tracks looking up to see a boy around my age with black long hair.

"Sato, Is that you?" I asked looking up at the boy. I gasped at the sight he was very handsome I wasn't expecting this at all.

"Of course it's me Chinami" He said quickly embracing me in a hug. "Wow, you're so beautiful now... not that you weren't before" He began scratching his head nervously as I blushed a bit looking away nervously.

"Um thank you, you've grown to be handsome yourself" I giggled.

"Would you like to walk and talk to maybe catch up?" He asked as I nodded. Sato was another childhood friend of mine, but I never thought I be seeing him again after he left the village with his family.

"Where did you go after you had left the village?" I asked curiously as we began to walk around the leaf village.

"My family and I moved around a lot, but now we've settled in the village hidden in mist" He told me more about his past when he had left the leaf village. From my understanding he didn't make many friends to save himself the pain of having to leave them behind just like how he did with us. "I rushed back here to see if you were alright after I heard what had happened" His expression changed as he looked down at me. He had a more worried expression upon his face, however, I smiled widely to reassure him that I am rather fine.

He laughed rubbing the back of his head even more.

"Oh look over there" He motioned himself towards the ramen shop. "Have ramen on me tonight" He said pulling me over to the ramen shop ordering two bowls of the most popular noodles that everyone is getting around here.

I don't understand what's happening I feel like he's kind of difficult to read or maybe I'm reading him, but maybe not correctly. The owner sat the big bowl in front of me as I just stared down at it.

We ate silently for quite a bit until I broke the silent.

"Maybe I should get going...I'm supposed to stop by the prison then on the way home" I mentioned standing up as did he.

"Did he really do it?" By he I think he's referring to my father.

"He did" I said with a saddened facial expression.

"Don't worry I'm here for you anytime, but my last day being here tomorrow night and I want to take you to the festival" He seemed nervous by the way he looked all over the place as if he were trying to avoid eye contact.

"Sure, Why not I need to get out more anyway" I chuckled at his gestures. Could he like me already because  don't you usually act like this around someone you have a crush on. I know I did when I had a crush on Gaara, but I don't think he noticed. Or did he?

Why would Sato like me in a short amount of time unless he did before. We did spend a lot of time together in the past as friends when he was here and when he visited his family here.

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