Chapter 20

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~Kakashi's POV

Everyone was running around alerted that Chinami had gone missing. We pulled those from missions that weren't as important to deal with right now to help search for her. I can't believe that she'd leave the Sand Village without letting anyone know.

I don't understand why she didn't make it straight here. In other words I can't help but think someone took her, however, Chinami can defend herself on her own without anyone needing to be there especially since the previous mission Gaara sent her on took her little to no effort to complete.

Which means it has to be the Akatsuki. They took Gaara for his tailed beast and killed him in the process but the letter I received it looks more like my brothers crappy handwriting. I could have sworn he died, but it wasn't confirmed. Come to think of it there was no body either. If it is him what would he be doing with the Akatsuki.

After I sent my dogs that I summoned to find her. I headed back to the hidden leaf to find Gaara, Kankuro, and Temari speaking to Lady Tsunade.

"Any news about her where abouts?" Gaara rushed over to me.

"Not until the dogs have picked up her scent, although I have my conclusions" I mentioned hoping that they are not right. "My brother disappeared when Chinami was a baby" I started trying to piece together what I thought was improtant. "Someone was after him and he wanted to make her safe but I don't know who was after him and if  I'm correct it would've been the Akatsuki"

"what are you getting at Kakashi?" Tsunade raised her brow as they all looked at me to get my answer out.

"If my conclusion is correct judging from the note I believe it's my brothers handwriting and if the Akatsuki attacked Gaara for his tailed beast then why not her too, no one was with her so she's unprotected making her an easy target, however, it would be even easier if her father was sent to capture her" It started to make sense to me, but it's not something that I wanted to believe would even happen.

"It's my fault she's gone I should've kept her close" I rested my hand on Gaara's shoulder.

"Its definitely not your fault, you couldn't have seen this coming" We heard a wolfs howl, but also the howl of one of my dogs to let me know of there location.

"Gaara, Temari, and kankuro you guys head off with Kakashi, I'll gather everyone else that I can and send them your way" I headed off quickly with them following not so far behind me. I was actually surprised that Gaara was even keeping up with me. He's just as worried about her as I am and I can tell that he cares about her.

About thirty minutes after we came across not only my dogs, but an all white wolf. I had no doubt that it was the summon of my brother. So far I believe that my conclusions had been right. It made me want to rush to where the Akatsuki was keeping her and take them on myself, however, there is no need to act so recklessly.

We followed the wolf all the way to the Akatsuki hideout. Smart that they are using a different one than last time, but little do they know they have a traitor.

"Here's the plan, they'll probably be expecting us" I started to explain as I already came up with one and a safe one at that. "Gaara, Temari, and I will go in as a rescue team and Kankuro you'll stay out here on guard and just in case any other ninjas show up"

"Aww, why do I have to stay?" Kankuro whined as he sighed sitting back against a tree.

"Temari, Gaara I want you to create a sandstorm, which should buy me time to get Chinami and for us to get out of there" I hope nothing goes wrong with the plan.

Just hang in there a bit longer Chinami, we're coming.

~Gaara's POV

After Kakashi was done explaining the plan we got right to it if they don't know we're coming it be easier to take them off guard. We have no chances against S ranked criminals if something goes wrong.

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