Chapter 7

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~Chinami's POV

It's been so long since I've seen them, however I wonder to myself if I'd ever go back. I wonder, how they have taken care of themselves after I left without being able to say goodbye. Kakashi snapped me out of my thoughts when he cleared his throat bringing me back to the realization that we were at the breakfast table.

"your thinking about them again aren't you?" He didn't even have to look away from his book to know what I was thinking about, but it wouldn't have been hard to guess.

" Yeah, it's been so long and I miss them... But I'm just not ready to go back to that place it brings back bad memories just thinking about it"

I left Kakashi at the table alone as I grabbed the rest of my things for the Chunin exams.

"Thinking about them won't necessarily help you pass the Chunin exams" He started. "This is no joke one slip up or even being off focus can-" I cut him off finishing the sentence for him rolling my eyes in the process.

"Put my team members in jeopardy or even cost them their lives, I know we've been over this so many times" This was his way of telling me that I'm becoming too soft and need to toughen up. Maybe it is for the best if I were to forget about them they've probably already forgotten me.

"Come on slowpoke or we'll be late" Naruto said walking through the door catching the attention of Kakashi and me.

I punched him in his head causing him to yelp in pain.

"What was that for!?" He yelled rubbing his head.

"you should always knock before entering someone else's home or its considered to be rude" He muttered walking out the door with me following right behind him.

Today are the final test where we battle many from outside of Hidden Leaf. I'm quite nervous, but I will not let Kakashi's training go to waste no matter how strong or smart the opponent.

I will pass no matter what.

We stood above the arena waiting for the first two opponents names to appear on the board.

I became nervous because I don't know who my opponent will be, but that would be most battles that come my way. A ninja must be prepared for anything.

Aki Watanabe Vs. Chinami Hatake

My breath got hitched in my throat when my name appeared. The girl appeared out of nowhere almost like an illusion of the mind.

Kakashi grabbed my shoulder gently kneeling down to my level. Which made me feel a bit better about the fight than before.

"Alright remember what I told you about learning your opponent" He said to me it wasn't really much tip, but I can tell she's from the village hidden in the mist.

Kakashi taught me about most of the villages that he knows about and the techniques. I won't let my team down it's funny how team 7 is the only team of four.

I've been working on my own special technique with the help of Kakashi and his Chidori. Since my Jinchuriki is lightning based then he thought it be best if I learned mainly lightning techniques.

"Let the battle begin"

Before I could even gather myself a strategy she had already started her hand signs.

"hidden mist Jutsu!" She shouted as the mist came from her mouth forming around me making it hard for me to see. Next thing I knew I was being cut back to back with a blade.

The smoke cleared and she dropped right in front of me with a smirk. I dropped to the ground due to my open wounds.

"Give up already" She said looking down at me.

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