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The cold snow hitting my face, each snowflake like a tiny knife, cutting my pale skin, but instead of making my face go red, it just left scars that in seconds faded away.
Something was wrong with me.
Really wrong.
I felt afraid, the pain, a deep an endless sorrow burning in my chest, by his absence.
I was sure I could hear his voice if I wanted to.
I just needed to jump.
I laid my feet on the cold, ivory balcony, the fall was mortal, I knew it.
I heard Abraham, crying In our room, and the nanny rushed towards him.
She ignored me and with a last glance at our son, I looked up and I leaned myself towards the abysm.
Thinking of Vlad.

-Welcome back, Mina Murray. -Marco said jokingly and I looked at him with narrowed eyes and a fake smile, I couldn't shake the memory out of my head.
-You don't want to get bite at this point, do you Marco?-Vlad said and smiled showing his fangs.
The angel looked up and walked towards a cavern where to refuge from the snow storm.
Once we were inside, Dracula looked at me.
-Worried?-he asked and I nodded, agreeing- Trust me, we won't be alone in there... we have to follow this tunnel up to their main laboratory and we will be with some other companies...
As he finished his sentence, a few figures appeared from the blur of the snow falling.
-My dear friend...-He mumbled and his eyes shone bright, like he was relieved.- You made it...
I looked at him and then at the figures, two men and a red headed woman.
She sprinted towards  Vlad's arms and he held her tight as mixed emotions filled me up.
Joy, of course, Mina remembered her well, they were raised together, like sisters.
And...jealousy for Vlad's reaction at her.
I shook my head, making the latter to vanish of my mind.
Vampires read minds. I know now.
-Oh, for Heaven's sake, Mina...-She said and the joy in my heart covered all the other darkest emotions.
We hugged, and I could swear we were back in London.
-We don't have time for this little reunion or some unwanted guests may find us...

We followed Lucy and the two vampires, who were her companions, Enzo and Dante, two italian vampires, turned by herself.
She told me she needed friends after losing Vlad at the hands of the Project.

Finally, after walking a mile or so, we got to see the light at the end.
The storm had easen and it was twilight time.
We left the tunnel behind and we appeared in the back doors of a castle in the middle of a frozen garden.
I looked up, my eyes found a balcony, with ivory railings.
-This... this place...-I mumbled and Vlad put his hand on my left shoulder.
-You know it, don't you?-He said and we looked at each other, I saw in his eyes, our past, our sorrows...
Our love.
-We will end what started centuries ago...-Vlad claimed and he leaned towards me, placing his hand under my chin.-Together...
-As we started- I said and his lips met mine under the grey skies, under the same castle that was our home so long ago.
The castle that held our family...
The snow started to pour on us again and we gasped, as he moved a few steps apart from me.
Lucy came from behind me as Vlad kept on moving towards the castle with Marco, Enzo and Dante.
-I'm glad we are together...all of us...-She said, smiling as I saw her fangs, realising how different my old friend  was.
-Where are we going? Why are we here?- I questioned and we kept on walking towards the castle doors.
-This is it, the Crimson Project main foundation. What a better place than The Castle of Dracula...-Lucy explained to me, with pain in her eyes.-They believe we are nothing, just because we aren't humans...so they try to destroy every proof of our existence.

We entered the main room, and two guards were lying on the floor, dying, Marco had his sword on his left hand, dripping blood.
-We have to follow the staircase, to our basement. Probably we will find the cages first, so we have to free them, Lucy, Enzo, you are in charge of leading them to the garden.-Vlad explained- Marco and Dante, you are up to the files sector, to destroy and steal everything of the project, we need to know what they know and take it from them... Irina and I-He glanced at me and smirked- We can take care of Halsey Van Helsing...
Once the directions were given, we went down the stairs to a large dark hallway,  we separated ways, following each path we were designated to.
Once we get to the elevator, we found a blinding white laboratory like place, and in the end of the office, a door, to Van Helsing's office.
Vlad and I shared a look as we moved towards the door. Hoping Halsey would be inside.
-Where are you two going?- a Man's voice came from behind us and we both turned around quickly to find an middle aged man, with shoulder long black hair and grey eyes.
-Who are you?-I questioned and the door of Halsey opened up wide, I could see her behind us without even turning my head.
-Your friend knows me...-The black haired man said pointing at Dracula- I'm Doctor Van Helsing, but you may know me as...Abraham...

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