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-You know...I woke up that day to the realization it was going to be an awful day... but if I had to bet how awful it would become...I would have lost money- I told my newest partner as we were frantically looking for the key to our freedom in that darkened room.

-The funny thing, is that I had the exact same feeling, back in the 70's when they...abducted me. Like I got out of bed and said: This is going to be a bad decade, but it came out more like a terrible century.- He answered with a smirk and I smiled back at him.

He was like me... and we have to support each other, don't we?

As the sirens shutted down, I felt like some kind of inner peace came back to me at last, we weren't free yet, but for the first time in the whole day, it felt like it was coming any closer to our escape.

-What now?-I asked when all the lights outside the nurse's office where we were standing shutted down as well.

-They probably are looking for some kind of...reinforcement maybe?-The man by my side said and he peered through the peephole.

-What do we do now?- I sat down leaning my back on the filing cabinet.

-We wait until the light comes back...


Three hours before.

They made me sit down, I heard them talk to me in this foreign language and held back the tears that were threatening to fall from my eyes.

-M'lady I understand how confused you might feel now- a man, in a white apron with tiny red spots came to me with a needle on his hand.- this will feel like a sting and will only hurt a second...

I kept on hearing the screams from across the corridor, I was sure, whoever was being tortured was near enough to hear me if I screamed.
But also, something in my mind told me that no matter how loud I could shout, no One was coming to my rescue now.
I closed my eyes as hard as I could when the needle tresspassed my skin and get to my vein. I could feel it, as the cold liquid passed into my blood, and marking it's way to my heart.

And again I fainted.

I woke up in a dark room, surrounded by some kind of presence. I heard a scratch a few centimeters from me, and my body shivered.

My eyes came to recognise a silhouette of a woman, with short hair and slender limbs. Like some kind of animal.

She came close to me and I froze. I could smell blood around me, and something made me feel weird, less afraid but... not completely fine.

The girl jumped on me and I hold her by the hair, I didn't think what I was doing, I felt like my body was taking over me, I couldn't control it.

I was a mere witness of my own actions.

My hands got around her neck, and slammed her head on the floor, quickly and repeatedly, once and once again, as a fire started to grow in my stomach, like excitement and adrenaline.

Something that wasn't me.

I hit her head for the last time when her nails sinked in my forearm, making me feel mad, I screamed, just like the one who was screaming before.

I understood everything then. The scientists weren't torturing people. Not directly at least.

She tried to move her head toward my arms, in an attempt to bite me, but my heart, beating each second faster, made me move and with my right hand, I held her by the hair root and the left one, held with a strenght that wasn't mine, her chest, pressing it hard against the cold floor.

I saw, like there was a tiny light wherever my eyes wanted to spot and I saw her white neck, the tight skin covering poorly the veins under it l, I hears the blood rushing through them, and a thirst took over me as my mouth watered, I felt a quick pain in my teeth  and it felt sharper.

She growled, knowing what I was about to do, eventhought I couldn't believe it myself.

This was the reason someone else was screaming outside my cell... and I knew this place was hell.

I moved faster as my mouth reached her neck and my tusks pierced her white skin, now covered in gushing blood.

I drank, it felt hot but somehow it made my mouth feel refreshed and my soul calmed down.

If I still have a soul after all of this.

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