6-My Cheek

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I was laying down on my and winwin's bed, with the cover over my face. I didn't want to see or hear anyone because I felt like a idiot for storming off. I could of just grabbed winwin as well and toke him with me but I left him with jaehyun. I'm stupid. I swear.

I heard the door open and I knew who it was, without thinking, it was winwin. I wasn't surprised he came after me, I just felt so stupid for storming off! I removed the cover from my face and winwin went under the cover laying next to me, looking right into my eyes.

Winwinie put his warm hand on my check and was gently rubbing it. It was first time winwin did something so caring and gentle to me. It made my heart pump faster, why was he doing this to me? Does winwin love me like Taeyong said? I hope he does. I really hope he does.

"Yuta hyung?"
His voice was so soft and loving, why was he like this all of a sudden. I nodded my head at him and he carried  on.
"Hyung, I didn't mean to make you mad. I hate seeing you mad. I'm sorry."
Winko was looking straight into my eyes when he was talking and I felt to calm and I forgot about everyone else.
"Winko, it is fine but it is just don't like seeing the other members get that close to you. I'm sorry."
Straight after I said 'sorry' winwin opened his mouth,
"No it is not your fault and I don't like anyone else getting close to you either. I just like having you to myself."
Good! Winwin better! One day he will be mine so he better like having me to himself all the time.

I pulled winwin closer to me so his head was on my chest. I love being this close to him but I hate seeing him with anyone else.

"Winko, can I ask you something?"
I felt him nod his head against my chest and I carried on with asking questions.
"What do you think about Jaehyun? What are your feelings towards him?"
I feel like I'm some crazy, jealous boyfriend asking him these questions but I just want to know, I need to know. I understand I'm not his boyfriend, just yet, but I feel like I deserve to know. Right?
"Yuta hyung I see Jaehyun as a good friend and the only feelings I have towards him are just based on a  friendship."

'Friendship' the feelings I'm meant to have for winwin but instead I have feelings for him that I didn't knew existed. And what if winwin is just saying it is a 'friendship' so I don't get upset or jealous? Because as everyone could tell I'm very over-protective when it comes to my Winko.

I ran my hand through winwin's hair and told him in a voice that was almost a whisper,
"You don't have to lie to me. You don't need to worry about me getting mad and angry. You know that, right?"
Winko looked up at me and smirked at me. He looked into my eyes for a good ten seconds then quickly put his head back on my chest. I didn't know why he did that but it was cute. It was good to know that he was looking at me, just me.
"Hyung I'm not lying to you and I  promise you, you don't have to worry about me liking anyone."

I bloody hope So! I need him to like me and if he likes someone else then it would be harder to get him!

Then I felt a pair of soft sweet lips land on my cheek. I was normally the one to kiss winwin on the cheek, not the other way around. But I liked it. It gave me this bit of hope that winwin must like me too. He never let's any one touch him but then for him to kiss me on the cheek. It made me happy. The feelings I got from this tiny kiss showed me that my feelings for winwin will never go away and I like that.

I didn't have a chance to look at winwin's face after he did that because his pretty little head went back on my chest. I guess he did that because he was shocked by his own actions but I thought it was cute.

"Winwin, you better be giving me kisses more often."
He looked up at me, all bright red and a smile on his face.
"Ok fine but can I at least get another one?"

Dear God, please make winwin kiss me again on the cheek or the lips or let me take him. Please God. I will do anything.

Winwin quickly placed his lips on my cheek for a split second but to me that split second felt like an hour. The best hour ever!

I guess God is real.

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