1-Dear Yuta

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The letter I will never give Yuta:

Dear Yuta,
To me you are perfect and always will be. And I'm sorry I will never be perfect. Growing up I never really thought a person could be 'perfect', I always thought that word was useless but then I met you. The only word that can describe you 'perfectly' was perfect. There is not one thing I hate about you. With most people I would at least hate one thing about them but with you, it is different. I love everything about you.

I love your Japanese accent
I love is when you speak Mandarin
I love it when you smile and when you laugh
But I really love it when I'm the reason behind the smile or the laugh
I love it when you hug or touch me
I love it when you try to kiss me on the cheeks but I want you to kiss me on my cheek
I love how sexy you are and how cute you are as well
I love it when you complement me or make me feel good about myself
I love listening to you sing
I love watching you dance or when you help me with dance
I love it when you help me
I love watching anime with you
I love it when I have your attention and because I love your attention I always try to get it
I love being around you
I love being alone with you
Why can't I just hate one thing about you? Because you are PERFECT.

You have done so much for me and most of the time I don't think you realise it but you have. Even when I could barely speak Korean, you tried to speak to me in Mandarin to make sure I was alright. And for that I couldn't thank you enough. You do so much for me and I wish I could repay you but I can barely do anything without your help. And because of that you have so much to worry about but to you my problems are more important. I just wish you could let me help you with your problems. Even if you just told me, I would feel some what useful for you.

I still remember the first time I saw you and I still remember the feeling I had. I felt like I had to have you. I didn't get butterflies like most people, instead I felt like I was complete. I felt like my life had a bigger purpose then just dancing. I felt like my life was in front of me and I had to make sure my life was happy. And most importantly I had to make sure no one toke away my life from me. No one would be able to replace you and I don't want anyone to replace you.

At first I thought that feeling would of gone away but that didn't happen. The more and more I got to know you, the feeling got stronger. But I don't hate myself for falling in love with you, I'm happy that I did. I know it makes no sense but even if you don't love me back, you were the best thing to happen to me.

Even though you are perfect, there are so many things I do that I hate. I hate that I always try to get your attention and even if that way makes you mad at me but I just want you. And I know most of the time I do try to make you jealous but it makes you mad at me but I want you to know you are the only person in my heart. And I can promise you that. You can have all of my love even if I don't get yours.

But I know deep down inside of me I know one day you will find someone just as perfect as you and you will be happy with them. They will be able to give you everything you want, always make you happy and make you feel the way I feel about you. But I want you to be happy and if that person gives you your happiness then I'm happy.

I will always love you,

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