3-I want him

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It was two days since I have last saw Yuta because I came back home to China because it was mum's birthday. But at least I get to go back to South Korea tommorw to see my Prince.

I can't wait to see you to and I have missed you so much
I have been so bored without you
And I know you will take good care of me hyung, you always do

Takoyaki prince👑:
Of course I take good care of you, you are my perfect little Winko
I would do anything for you

I know you always do
I have really missed seeing you in the mornings

Takoyaki Prince👑:
Why just the mornings? Why not the whole day?

It is just that in the mornings you are the first thing I see and it instantly makes me smile

Takoyaki Prince👑:
Aww Winko don't worry you will soon get to see my face and you can look at it as much as you want

Yuta hyung?

Takoyaki Prince👑:
Yes your oppa is here?
What is it?

Will you be at the airport when I get picked up?

Takoyaki Prince👑:
Baby boy if you want me to I can
And I want more time with you with then anyone else so I will be there to pick you up

Ok good and when we get back can we go to our room?

Takoyaki Prince👑:
You don't need to ask me, of course I will
Why though? Has something bad happened?

Yes something has

Takoyaki Prince👑:
What is is, tell me!
I will help you no matter what it is

I haven't seen you in two days and I just want to be alone with you
I have missed you so much

Takoyaki Prince👑:
Do not scare me like that because I was ready to go on a plane to China
And baby I have missed you too and I want you all to myself

I didn't mean to scare you but I just want you now hyung, it is not fair

Takoyaki Prince👑:
I want you too
But when I see you tommorw, I will not let you go

Good, I like that idea

I put my phone down and I looked at my mum to see her with a smirk across her face.
"Who were you messaging? You have been on that phone the whole time you have been here "
But I can't see Yuta though and I want to know he is doing perfect. And that no other member is trying to take him alway from me.
"I have been messaging Yuta."
She smiled at me more.
"Just him? No one else?"
I only care for Yuta. I only need Yuta.
"Yes just him."

I knew what my mum was thinking. And she was right. Anyone could tell how much I liked him just by someone mentioning his perfect name. I just loved everything about him.

"You seem really happy when he messages you."
I am happy and I'm even more happy when I can see him.
"Yeah I am."

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