~Hoseok's life~

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It's now my turn to reveal my life. The life that I kept a secret for years and years. The life I hated and I wish never happened.

'This is going to be difficult for me to tell because of how I much hated it. It's time you guys know about my real past life and not the happy and amazing life I've always told you guys about. In fact its the complete opposite of what I told.

I was born in Gwangju and lived there for many years with my sister. My sister And I moved away from our home once we were old enough because we didn't want to stay there anymore. We never thought of our parents being our parents. We hated them.

My parents were drug addicts and always tried giving my sister and I drugs. They weren't like this before but once we were old enough to talk and walk they tried giving us drugs. my sister stopped them because I was to young to realize that they were trying to give us horrible drugs and alcohol. They always smoked in the house and never cooked food for us. My sister and I had to try and find a job to get money for food.

My "dad" used to be a hitman until they fired him because of the lack of work he did. My "mum" was... well... a stripper. They both earned a lot of money and they only used that money on drugs. They both eventually lost their jobs. Soon when I was around 10 they started abusing me and telling me to get them more drugs and alcohol. Of course I was to young to actually buy it I just had to earn enough money to give to them. I started becoming curious about where all their money went and if they still had some left so I saved up my money and bought a laptop. I did everything to hack into their accounts and I eventually did. I was shocked with all the money that was left in there so I started hacking more and I told my sister about it and we then took all the money from both accounts. We hid the money so they wouldn't take it away. My "parents" became a lot more violent the older I got and soon I had 5 jobs in total and my sister had 6. They didn't abuse her, only me. I knew she couldn't help me because if she did she would get hurt and I didn't want her getting hurt as well.

We used the money to go to school and the people there also bullied me because of how I looked. I was so angry at everyone. I just wanted to get away from them all, so when I was 14 we reported our "parents" and they did eventually go to jail but the boys in the school didn't leave me alone. I told my sister that I wanted to leave the school because of the bullies and so she took me to her school. She was always around me so she could protect me.

As I got older I wanted to become a singer/rapper so I joined an underground "band" where I met Yoongi and Namjoon. We became friends quickly and we had a lot of fun. I enjoyed singing/rapping with them and my sister was happy that I was finally happy.

One day my sister called me sounding super worried. I asked her whats wrong and she said that our "parents" escaped the prison. I got so terrified. Everyday and every-night I always had that one thought about them finding us and doing something horrible.

While I was walking back home from school to my sister, someone pulled me into an alleyway. I looked at them and it was my "father". He told me that I had to do exactly what he said otherwise he would kill me sister and friends. I didn't want him hurting anyone so I agreed to do what he said. He then took me into a van and told me what I signed up for. When he told me I was horrified. He told me that I had to hack into people's phones, laptops or whatever and get all their data so that they or I, could kill them easily and find where they are. I refused to do it but they threatened me again so I gave in and did exactly what they wanted. They were happy that I "agreed" to it.

I have probably hacked into thousands of people's gadgets and one of them was yours, Jimin. I was the one who hacked into your phone. I couldn't tell you so I had to act surprised when you told us. I then asked my parents what they would do to Jimin and they said that they already did something to Jimin, which was put him into a car accident. Immediately when they found out you were in a car they went and put you into a car crash. They were hoping to kill you but you survived. I don't remember why you were given to them to kill but I wasn't happy that you were but I was happy that you survived the car crash.

When the police finally figured out who has been doing this I was put into jail but my sister bailed me out and I told her everything and she forgave me. She then explained everything to the police and they sentenced then to death and kept me living. They also took away the report that I was put into jail.

When we were offered the other job our boss begged me to join because he knew that I could hack into phones but I refused to hack into yours until a few years of looking for you. That is how we tracked you, Y/N.

I'm sorry that I was the one who helped with your car crash,' I say crying. I felt so bad.

Painful past. Happy future// Jimin X readerWhere stories live. Discover now