feeling like a princess

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As we walked around the theme park Harley was over the moon she has almost met all the princesses and prince's see her happy made me and Ash the happiest and proudest parents ever as took photos and made memories Linkin was also enjoying it seeing all the people as Ash carried Harley on his shoulders as I carried Linkin we decided to leave the buggy in the hotel today as we carried on walking around as Harley smiled wide holding onto Ashleys hands he looked at me and smiled as we headed back to the hotel to get ready for dinner and then go see the fire works as I placed Linkin in his pram wearing his lion king onsie as I covered him with a blanket to keep him warm as Harley came running wearing her bell dress as I did her hair so sue looked just like bell as Ash walked in dressed casual smart as I slipped my dress on and put my flats on before we left the room and headed to dinner and then took Harley and linkin to see the fire works as Ash placed Harley on his shoulders so she could see the fire works as I held linkin as he smiled at the bright colours in the sky once the fire works was finished we headed back to the hotel to get some sleep before another fun filled day tommorw.

Nobodies Hero Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon