welcome to the company

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( still story is gonna be staring Georgely4ever hope you like it huni)
* georgias pov*
As my alarm went off for the third time as I groaned and pushed the covers off me as I walked into the bath room stripping down and stepping into the shower as the water ran down my skin , once I was done I got dressed and went down stairs to feed my cat shadow and my dog hunter as I filled there water bowl up and left for the job interview that I had today at Ashley Purdy Inc as I walked in " hello I'm georgia rose I'm here for the interview " I said as the girl smiled " take a seat please mr Purdy will be with you shortly " she said as i thanked her and took seat .
It felt like forever till he walked out " miss Rose " he said as i looked up "that's me " I said as he smiled wide "follow me please " he said as i stood up and followed him into a room "please take a seat " he said as i smiled softly and sat down as the interview began as he looked through my paper work and asked me questions of why I would want to work for his company and what I could bring to this company " if you could just sign here " he said pointing at a line as I picked up the pen and signed " and here please " he said as i did it again " thank you, I'll be in contact with you soon miss Rose" he said as he stood up and shook my hand " I look forward to hearing from you Mr Purdy " as he smiled  " please call me Ashley "he said as i smiled as he opened the door as I walked out and started walking home as my phone rang " hello " I said as he spoke " hello Georgia, it's Ashley just to inform you that you have the job , how soon can you start " he said as i smiled wide " when ever you want me to" I said " tommorw?" He asked as I walked up to my front door " yes that's fine, is there a dress code may I ask ?" Unlocking the door "no you can dress causal  , see you tomorrow " he said " see you tommorw, bye " I said as he said the same thing back before hanging up and I started jumping up and down excited that I got the job.

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