miss me much

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Three months had passed the guys was ment to be coming home soon as I heard foot steps coming up the stairs "Inna  it's 3 in the morning go back to sleep " I mumbled as I heard the steps come closer to my side of the bed as I began to feel like I was being watched as I opened my eyes to see Ash as he smiled wide as I jumped up and wrapped my arms around him as he held me close "miss me much " he chuckled as I  nodded  " i feel like it's been forever "I said as he got undressed and got under the blanket and I heard Inna  yell jakes name in surprise as me and Ash chuckled as he pulled me closer to his body as I looked at him as he kissed me softly on  the head .
And then kissing my lips as he moved so he was in top of me as I moved my legs to his hips as he smiled removing my underwear as I kissed up and down his neck as he entered me starting off slowly the then picking up the pace as I dug my nails into his back as he rolled his eyes and started biting my neck as I moaned as he smirked as I felt my body start to shake as he leaned near my ear " let it go"he said softly as I did what he said as he moaned as carried on till he started picking up the pace more hitting the spot as I moaned grabbing his hair as he moaned as well " F...FUCK babe I'm gonna ..." he moaned as he let it go as we both moaned as he pulled out laying next to each other out of breath as he pulled me closer " I'm in Love with you Georgia, and there is no way I'm ever losing you ,not now not ever " he said kissing me as I smiled " I love you somuch more Ash , and trust me I'm going no where unless your with me "  I said as he smiled before we fell asleep.

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