Chapter 24

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Timmy panted hard, barely floating. When the smoke had cleared, the king of the anti-fairies was gone. He had did it. He had beat Anti-Timothy. The ancient fairy dust was safe with him. Timmy kept panting, crashing onto the pink cloud. He could barely move. He looked down at his fairy form. It was starting to become see-threw. Timmy stayed on that cloud, not moving. He was going to die, he knew that for sure and that ancient fairy dust could save him. But that would mean he would be stuck in his fairy form forever. And that meant it could bring back Anti-Timothy. Timmy couldn't let that happen. He just couldn't.

"Well, this is anti-climatic..." Timmy admitted, looking over to his right.

That's when he saw the spirit of Doc, sitting next to Timmy. Doc smiled sourly at his great nephew.

"Never thought you would be ending your game this early, sport." Doc stated quietly.

Timmy slightly teased, "How Mushroom Kingdom of you..."

Doc barely chuckled, looking over at the ancient fairy dust. That stuff was what Timmy was giving his life for and yet he wasn't taking it to save his life. Doc found it a bit poetic.

"You know, you will be joining me soon here... And you know, it isn't bad." Doc reassured him.

Timmy barely sat up as he heard something from underneath where he was. He looked, seeing the Fairy Academy down below. That's when he saw a young fairy baby in a rose colored blanket, about Poof's age, at the door of the Fairy Academy. Timmy's heart instantly broke. Her life was barely beginning and she was quiet, as if she accepted her fate. Timmy couldn't let that happen. If there was anything he learned about life, it was a beautiful thing and should never be taken for granted. Sure, he was suicidal at one point because of what Jorgen had shown him all of those years ago. But right now, Timmy knew that this was the right thing to do. Using the last bit of strength he had, he blew the ancient fairy dust down to her. As it touched her, she had briefly glowed a brilliant rose colored light. Timmy smiled as he looked at Doc, returning to his human form.

"I'm ready, Doc. I'm ready to see the Overthere." Timmy stated.

Doc offered his hand to Timmy, whom took it without question. He allowed himself to fade away, into the stars, leaving only his pink hat behind.


Trixie felt the darkness around Fairy World breaking as all of the fairies cheered their victory. Remy cheered with them, as Chloe felt the shackle around her foot disappearing. Trixie returned to normal as did Nacey.

"He did it again!" Juandissimo declared happily.

"Timmy is our hero!" Iris added.

"Oh he did it!" Jorgen cheered.

"Yes! Wahoo!" Remy also added.

The only ones not joining in on the celebration were Trixie, Chloe, Nacey, Wanda, Cosmo, and Sparky. They were all wondering the same thing. A question Trixie addressed.

"Guys...where's Timmy?"

That's when everyone stopped celebrating and realized that Trixie was right. Timmy was no where to be found.


The hat was found within a few hours but Timmy was not. He was no where to be found. Marion had joined them, holding the rose colored blanket in his arms. Jorgen looked at his cousin, a bit sadly.

"What are you holding there?" Jorgen asked.

"Just found her outside of the Fairy Academy, barely hanging on for life." Marion explained, cooing the little one. The girl fairy baby just cooed as Marion saw the long faces of everyone. He finally asked, "What? Did I walk in on a funeral?"

Marion didn't know what hurt more. Trixie's glare or Wanda's slap in the face.


Timmy Turner was declared missing two weeks later. But no one wanted to say that he was dead. In fact, they all just said the old saying in Fairy World when one of the old fairies had joined into the deepest part of space. He was now lost in the stars. Everyone cried for months, especially when the school let out that summer. Poof was heartbroken that his brother was gone forever. He left Fairy World for literal years. He didn't return till he was almost seven years old, by Earth's standards. Chloe went back in time to give Doc and his family (along with Marty), the news about Timmy. Sadly, that's when Chloe had received the terrible news. As for natural time, Doc was dead. Chloe felt heartbroken. She lost both Doc and Timmy in one week.

"I'm sorry Chloe... I really am..." Marty apologized.

That's when Chloe started to break down and cry. Marty picked her up gently and rocked her back and forth. Chloe sobbed in his arms, just letting the tears flow freely. The pools of water hit the 1990 sidewalk, fading away on the hot pavement.



Rose looked at Foop and Anti-Rose with disgust. With Poof down, all of the allies were down, Rose was pointing her lit up wand at Foop. She knew she wasn't that strong but she had to try. What she didn't realize was her wand was glowing a rose color. She didn't realize it until she fired a fairy magic ball from her wand. The fairy magic, instead it being the usual gold color, was a beautiful rose color. Rose gasped in surprise as Anti-Rose was sent back by the blast. Foop's mouth dropped to the ground in utter shock. Poof saw this as he started to get up. He hadn't seen that before. A few people in the crowd that were fleeing did.

Marion breathed, "How does she have the ancient fairy dust?!"

Jorgen started to say, "The last person that had that was..."

That's when Jorgen's eyes went wide at that moment. Rose glared at Foop, her wand glowing of rose colored magic. Foop gulped, raising his hands in defeat. He knew that she had the ancient fairy dust. There was no question about it. Nina ran up to him, nabbing him. Nacey joined, nabbing Anti-Rose.

Poof floated over to Rose and asked, "Rose, how did you do that?"

Rose looked at Poof as she answered, "I don't know..."

Nina told them, "She has the ancient fairy dust."

Poof perked up and questioned, "I thought that disappeared with Timmy?"

Nacey answered, "That's what we thought too. Apparently, it found its way to Rose..." She paused and added, "And I think I know how."

Rose blinked in confusion as Nacey placed her first finger on Rose's forehead. That's when she heard something. Something that she would never hear again. She started to cry almost immediately.

"Nance?" Jorgen asked, looking at her with worry in his eyes.

"He is lost in the stars... And we will see him our dreams...." Nacey answered, crying.

Hearing that, everyone started to cry. Their first group cry since 10 years ago. Marion wouldn't admit it to anyone but he was crying too.


When Nacey, Nina, Marion and Jorgen got all of the prisoners to Abacatraz; they found the place locked down. Just as Nina was about to open the door, the door opened with Turbo standing there.

"Where were you when we needed you?!" Nina hissed.

"Well I'm sorry! Anti-Wanda locked down the place until just now!" Turbo defended.

"Why Anti-Wanda? She shouldn't have her wand." Marion stated.

"She doesn't..." Turbo sadly replied. "She has his..."

As the heroes raised an eyebrow, the anti-fairies that they had captured lowered their heads. Foop thought, 'I'm so sorry...Dad...'


Wishmaker1028: And thus ends Lost in the Stars! Yeah, this sad ending was brought to you by the music of Pokemon 3: Spell of the Unown. I started to listen to it and was inspired to write this final ending. This ending, just for reference sake, was finished and written on February 7th 2018. Link to the music above. Please read and review! And always think outside of the box!

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