Jason eyes began to welt up with tears as well. By the way he stared at me, he knew that our ride that was short lived was going to be over.

"I...I...fuck" Jason stammered. "E'mani. I was with Daijah...b-because she's...she's pregnant. And, the baby is mine."

I didn't move or make any changes to my face expression. I just felt the tears Rollin like a river down my cheeks and onto my cleavage as I stared into Jason's eyes. His eyes, mirroring mine. I just stood, planted like a cemented statue for a few seconds.

"P-pregnant?", I managed to push out as my voice trembled.

"E'mani. Baby...", Jason spoke as he reached out to grab my hand but was only returned with a hard slap to his face.

"Don't fuckin touch me!" I screamed. "Pregnant?! You got that bitch pregnant. My sister fucking pregnant?!"

My nostrils flared up as I stormed off, knocking the picture of him and his sister over that was resting on the wall unit. I was livid at this point. No matter what I do or who I be with, that sneaky ass trifling ass bitch who is also known as my sister is always in the middle of it. I heard Jason continuing to plead and beg me as I grabbed the little bit of clothes and toiletries that I left over here.

"I don't want to hear that I'm sorry bullshit.", I said as I stuffed my four pair of jeans, three pairs of Jordan's and some shirts, underwear's and body sprays into my Alexander McQueen duffle bag.

"E'mani! I'm begging you!" Jason said to me with sincerity in his voice, grabbing me by the waist. "I'm sorry bae. I swear"

"Jason get the fuck off of me. Its bullshit. I'm so disgusted with you right now. You aint no better than any of these other niggas. You and O'shea can finally join the NAS club!"

"N.A.S?", Jason repeated with confusion.

"Niggas aint shit club. Get off of me. We are done. Go call my sister and tell her to move her shit in here. Make sure you get a McClaren baby carriage too.", I spat as I yanked myself away from Jason, grabbing my duffle bag and walking out of the room.

"I can't blame you for being mad baby but I swear to god Mani, I did not mean to hurt you. You think I would purposely do some shit to hurt you ma? C'mon I'm better than that baby. I'm sorry but baby I swear I love you and I wouldn't purposely do no foul shit to ever hurt you."

I stopped in my tracks and turned around to a soak-face Jason.

"Just stop okay Jason. I trusted you...I trusted you with my heart because something told me to give you a chance. I wanted to be better for not only me, but for you. For us. You know what I've been through with O'shea, and with you telling me he got that bitch pregnant and now you telling me you got that shitty shiesty bitch that's my sister pregnant! You said you was fuckin different. And my dumb ass believed you. I don't want nothing to do with you whether you're the father of my niece or fucking nephew. If you and Daijah was both on fire, I wouldn't even attempt to spit on ya'll to put the shit out."

I watched Jason face wince in pain because I know that last line struck his soul like lightening. He deserved it at this point. I knew I could be cold and callous. My daddy says he has a mean streak and so did my mom. Obviously, I inherited such words that I knew I could reach the depths of someone soul with it to get my point across to let these muthafuckas know, I aint playing.

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