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tw: nothing is explicit, but it aint sex, i can tell you that

"Yo, Harry! Nice to see you again, bruv."

"Yeah," Harry chuckles as Val's brother wraps him in a bro hug. "How've you been, Wyatt?"

"Alright. Brought my girl over from America last week, gave her a tour of my favorite places, ya know?"

"That was nice of you." They're standing in front of the hotel because that's where the cab had dropped Wyatt off. Harry starts walking and waves him along. "C'mon, we're 'round here."

"Not as nice as you setting me and Val up with tickets to see DL Black! You and him still together right? The spotlight hasn't scared you away yet?"

"Not yet," Harry agrees just as they round the corner to where the tour bus is parked somewhat inconspicuously further hidden by a gentle notice me not charm and muggle repellent. Harry forces his magic out and feels as Draco's spell around the bus shifts for him. The compatibility of their magic never fails to makes him smile.

Wyatt has been around enough band members that he isn't awed by the bus but does nod approvingly once he sees it.

"At least he's not riding in a limo or something super pretentious, yeah?"

"Oh, he's going to hate you," Harry says snorting a laugh.

"What?" Wyatt says worried and Harry laughs harder and Wyatt shoves his shoulder. "Don't take the piss. He's one of my idols."

"Let's not keep him waiting then."

They both step onto the bus to find Teddy and James sitting at the small breakfast nook playing exploding snap, minus the exploding. Val was in her hotel room taking a nap before they all had to get ready for the show.

"Where's your Dad?" asks Harry when Teddy losses. The boy grunts a response but James smiles.

"Strumming the guitar in the back. He's got a ballad tonight, hasn't he. Said he wanted to practice a bit. Oh, hey, Uncle Wy."

"Hi, Uncle Wyatt," Teddy adds before dropping his head back to the table.

When they finally make it to the back of the bus the soft strum of strings can be heard and Harry smiles.

"I've got company, DL."

"Oh, fuck off, Potter, I'm decent," Draco calls back and Harry laughs before leading Wyatt into the room. Draco is wearing a white v-neck and grey sweats as he sits in the corner of the room, one leg propped up, guitar in his lap. Harry thinks he's drooling when Draco looks up at them and brushes a few loose strands of hair back, his pick still between his fingers.

"This is not decent," Harry says decisively. "You look like sex on legs."

"Sorry to say that I always look like this." Draco turned his attention away to the man beside his fiancé with broader shoulders and a rounder jaw. "You must be Valeria's brother."

"Er— yeah. I mean, well, yeah. I'm Wyatt."

Draco nods at him with a smirk.

"Harry, love, he's flustered. Can we keep him?" The blond's grin is predatory and Harry is seconds from falling to his knees between the man's legs. He looks away.

"No. It's a part of the we have-two-kids-and-can't-throw-orgies clause."

"That's a dumb clause. But it's nice to meet you anyway, Wyatt." Draco sits his guitar on the floor then places a hand on his chin as he watches the newcomer. Harry leads him over so they can both sit on the foot of the bed. "I can assume you're a fan, then?"

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