"You came quick." He said as he pass by the  blonde and sat on the floor leaning on his bed.

Kenny couldn't help but tease him. "You obviously were desperate for my company, I just had to come." He purposely made his voice all girly and cheery. This earned a laugh from the boy.

"Heh. Yeah yeah."

Kenny sat beside him, also leaning on the bed. Craig's eyes were stuck to the ceiling. "So what's on your mind?"

Tucker chuckled. "Tweek." He smiled but kept silent. He was lost in his thoughts for a while. Until he snapped back to reality. "You know how I rambled about this Deren guy. The one that's on a date with Tweek?"

The blonde nodded his head. He even admits he rambled. "Yeah what about him?"

Craig sighed. A long one. "I talked to him before their date started..." He fell silent. A lot of people would always talk about how Tucker was overprotective of his best friend. He honestly never knew why. But now he understands. The fact that he talked to Deren about Tweek and threatened him if he ever broke his heart made him very overprotective.

Kenny shook his head. "Why does it sound like you're a dad confronting your daughter's boyfriend?" That was in no way to tease him. Well kind of- but he had to let Craig know his actions. "Dude you know you're acting like that right?"

The blue chullo hat boy sighed. "Fuck off. It's nothing like that."

McCormick smirked. "Then what is it like? Explain that to me." Craig might be dense but the blonde knew that he's smarter than that. Kenny was sure, 100% sure that Tucker's jealous of Deren and angry at himself for letting the one guy that made him happy slip out of his reach. He wants him to realize his feelings for Tweek. No matter how many times he says he's straight, no one will believe it due to his close relationship with the spaz. So Kenny was here to finally let his friend admit his true feelings.

Craig sat in silence, wondering what words to say to that.

"Has it ever came to mind that you're jealous or no- selfish? Yeah you're selfish. You don't want him to go on his first date but whenever Tweek hints of wanting to go on dates with you, you don't go." Kenny didn't want to give him sympathy anymore. He had to make him snap out of it and realize it for once.

Tweek wanting to go on dates? With Craig? "What..are you talking about?"

"Has it ever occurred to you that Tweek has had a huge crush on you for years? Or were you denying that fact and didn't want to admit you're gay for him too?" Kenny threw some sass but what he said was true.

And Tucker knew it was true. It was all true. Of course he knew the coffee lover liked him. Of course he liked him back. Of course he's gay. But he wasn't the type of guys who expresses emotions. "Yes. I was denying it and ignored it for so long. Wanna know why I did those things?"


"I don't deserve him! I never did in the first place! I've been crushing on him too! To the point where I almost accidentally call him 'babe' or even 'honey'! Dude. I'm overprotective as fuck when it comes to Tweek. And you know that. I'll admit it right now. I fucking love him so damn much. But why haven't I said anything. Because my dumbass self doesn't deserve someone as awesome as Tweek. Got it?" Craig was panting at this point. All that yelling, all those words that he wanted to say for so long, and all those frustrated emotions got him feeling less stressed. Never has he said this to anyone. And Kenny will probably use this to blackmail him or something.

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