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The only thing I know is this: I am full of wounds and still standing on my feet

"REALLY?" Alex giggled over the phone as she spoke to Stiles who was ranting about all the Star Wars movies

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"REALLY?" Alex giggled over the phone as she spoke to Stiles who was ranting about all the Star Wars movies. "Stiles, love." She chuckled as she grabbed any movies that looked good. She wasn't going to pay way for them, so why would it matter how many she will take?

"You're gonna compel them, aren't you?"

"Yup." She grinned just as a man walked past her; wearing a grey hoodie, covering his face.

She sniffed the air, and froze, smelling Wolfsbane and Vervain. She quickly turned around to only get something shot into her neck. Se reached up and yanked whatever it was out of her neck before vamping out.

The phone fell from her hand as she got in a defensive stance.

She attacked the guy that had just walked past her. She sunk her canines into his neck to only draw back as her mouth sizzled and stung.

She yelped, falling to the ground as two more things were shot at her, but this time, hitting her in the chest. She hastily looked down to see darts sticking out of her,

"A Mikaelson," a voice mused as she weakly looked up, but she didn't show any weakness. "So much money if we find a way to kill you."

"I will slaughter you all!" Alex shouted, getting up to her feet, yanking the darts out of her, and threw them to the floor. "I will drain everyone that you love!"

"Sorry, but that will not be happening," a new voice stated from behind her.

Instead of swirling around to face the person, she zoomed towards the closest person and snapped their neck. She knew that they all were on Vervain and Wolfsbane due to the one being full of the substances.

"No!" A girls voice shouted as more people rounded the corner. There was about four guys and two girls; six people all together. She can take them.

She zoomed towards one of the girls seeing as she was too busy looking at the guy she had just killed. She thrusted her hand into the girls chest and yanked her heart out without another thought.

"Get her!"

She was shot in the back multiple times from what she could tell was a gun. She stumbled forward, her hand going to her back. She yanked out one of the bullets to only find out that it was wood.

She growled, turning around to face three of the guys who were holding up guns. All at once, they fired at her. With every hit, she kept stumbling over her own feet, but she also kept pushing towards them.

Well, that was until one of the wooden bullets pierced her heart. She stopped and grabbed onto her chest. She looked up at the guys who were smirking at her,

"You will all die a painful death," he grunted out as she fell to the floor, everything going black as her body desiccated.

WHEN she came to, her wrists were bound to a wooden chair. There was what looked like a shock collar around her neck with wooden spikes going through her neck.

She bit her lip as she moved slightly, the wood scraping the inside of her neck.

She coughed as a vent was turned on, and looked up to see a white and purple mist surrounding her; Wolfsbane and Vervain.

"Let me out!" She choked out, her voice scratchy and raw. "Let me out or else!"

"What're you gonna do? Stare me to death?" Came a voice as they stepped in fron a door way. She yelped as his hand reached out and yanked the collar towards him, the little stakes embedding themselves into her neck.

"No." She looked up, grimacing as she felt a small piece of wood break off into her neck. "I will rip off your heads with my fucking tee—"

A screamed escaped her as a stake was stabbed through her right thigh. "You talk too much." He then stabbed her in the other thigh to where both of her thighs were pinned down onto the chair.

Ehe grunted, staring up at him with a heated glare, "Sorry not sorry, asshole."

"Sheesh, you look a little angry, doesn't she?" The guy chuckled as he looked down at her with a smug look.

"Yeah, you're right, George," came another man's voice. "It's kinda cute."

A finger graced her cheek which made her snap. She turned and bit down onto his finger, blood gushing into her mouth. She yanked her head to the right, pulling off his finger with her teeth. She spat out his finger, smirking up at the guy who was crying out hysterically.

"Son of a bitch!" The other man yelled out, "Jack, get Nick out of here, now!"

Another man who she guessed was Jack came storming in, rushing the fingerless guy out of the room.

She looked up at George as he glared at her. "You will pay for that, you bitch!"

She grinned, "how so?"

"You—" he cut himself off before he angrily grabbed what looked like a water gun and started to spray her.

ager skin sizzled as the 'water' touched her. She bit her lip as she fought to not yelp out in pain.

"How do you like that, huh? How do you fucking like that?!"

She screamed as he pulled the collar forward roughly. He then marched towards her, grabbed a fist full of blonde hair, and slammed her head backwards, exposing her neck. He grabbed a stake out from his back pocket, and stabbed her in the neck.

She gurgled up blood as she tried to cry out. He released her head and her face fell forwards, making the stake graze her neck even more.


"Huh? What's that? You want more pain? Okay!"

She yelled out as a stake went into her stomach. Blood gushed from the hole in her neck. She weakly kept her eyes open to see him grinning at her. He yanked out the stake from her neck and then stabbed her above the heart.

She screamed, not being able to hold it back anymore.

She might be a thousand year old hybrid, but getting stabbed still hurts, especially in so many places at once.

"You bit off his finger, you lose a finger, as well."

He gripped her pointer finger and brought out a dull looking knife. He looked her in the eyes before cutting away at her finger.

She let out a scream, her eyes watering due to the pain.

"Yes!" He cheered, looking at her with a smirk as her finger fell to the ground.

She whimpered as he grazed the knife on her cheek, the wound slowly healing due to how much Vervain and Wolfsbane she was currently inhaling.

"You see, girl, no matter how much you try, no matter how many of us you kill, you will die, and anyone you turned will also die."

She shakily looked up at him, trying to hold back the tears. Her lips turned upwards in a grimace and se sat up straighter, and said, "bring it."

That is when the torturing actually started.

Fighting For Love ↠ Stiles Stilinski [2]Where stories live. Discover now