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your time is now. start where you stand and never back down

 start where you stand and never back down

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The youngest blonde originals sighed, standing in front of him, biting down on her nails as She blocked him from running out of the house.

Scott and Stiles we're out doing God knows what and here she was... trying to get a teenager to believe her when she tells him that he is a werewolf. "What I'm telling you is—"

"Is a complete lie!" He shouted, a small almost unnoticeable growl left his mouth. She rose an eyebrow and tilted her head. "I am not some... some... some stupid wolf-man thing!"

She smirked in amusement, "Some wolf-man thing?" She repeated before laughing. "You're not a wolf-man thing, Liam, you're a werewolf."

"Same difference!" He threw out his hands and tried to shove her, but She didn't even budge. She crossed her arms over her chest, and rose her eyebrows. He tried to shove her again but to no avail. She fake-coughed as his face turned to a darker shade of red in both complete anger and disbelief.

"You're not as strong as me, sweetie," she mused, tsking, "I am a thousand year old hybrid who could tear you apart while doing my nails." She chuckled at the face he made. "You're a werewolf Liam whether you like it or not. I saved your life, that's all that matters. You're alive." She sighed, uncrossing her arms. She placed the palm of my hands on his shoulders, sending him a comforting smile.

"Don't touch me!" He spat at her, shoving her hands off of him. She took a step back, frowning, her heart breaking slightly. He's the first beta she's had for over a year, and the last beta's she had, she had to kill. She didn't want to do what she did wrong the last time. "I am not a werewolf! I just got bit by a weird, freak of a girl who I don't even know!"

The blonde took in a shaky breath. Why did I do it? Why did I bite him? He would've been better off dead. Everyone who's ever been turned by her is either dead or hates her. Maybe... maybe this will be just like any other.

"I know, Liam. I know you don't know me, but there is one thing you should know, I would never lie or hurt you. When I give my word, I keep it. And Liam, I promise to be my your side to help you with your transition 'cause I know it's hard the first few times. Trust me, I was finally able to relish in my werewolf side for the first time two years ago. Truthfully, it's still kinda hard seeing as I'm both a vampire and werewolf. My emotions are all over the place." At his face, she continued, "When you turn into a vampire, all your emotions het heightened, the same as when you turn into a werewolf but being both... well, it's a whole other world of emotions that tear me from the inside out. Plus, it doesn't help that I've always been a little...hmm...sensitive."

"H-how old are you?" She tilted her head at him, confused by his question. "You said you're a vampire." She nodded. "How old are you?"

"I already said... but I guess you were too angry to hear." She chuckled, but answered his question, "Let's see, I was turned when I was seventeen. but really, I'm over a thousand years old, give or take."

He choked on his saliva before backing up, and slid down the wall where he sat down on the floor. She smiled before she took a seat right across from him.

"You know, Liam..." She trailed off, "I gotta admit that you're doing better than I thought you would." She chuckled before grabbing her phone from her back pocket, turned it on, and showed the screen to him.

The screen showed a vandalized and smashed in car, courtesy of the boy in front of me. As he went to talk, she stopped him before he could continue. "I searched you. After the conversation in the locker room and when I realized you lied about being transferred, I had to know who was out on the field with my boys." She chuckled lightly before swallowing thickly. "You obviously have I.E.D."

"Yeah..." he trailed off, looking ashamed by what he had done to the car. "I try to control it, but..."

"You can't." She sighed, "I know the feeling," she admitted. "Even though I've been a vampire for so long, I still lose control sometimes. The hardest thing is when you are aware of it." She reached over and took his hand in her's. "I understand that sometimes you're overcome by anger and everything is red — you're out for blood — but then there is times when you're aware of your surroundings, you know what you're doing, but you keep doing it."

He squeezed her hand, sending her a small smile. "That has been my problem for so long," she admitted. He's the first person she's had actually talked about her killings and to be completely honest... she felt like a small weight has been lifted.

But there is still one more huge weight that is on her shoulders. It's that Malia is her older sister but she doesn't know it.

"Yeah." Liam nodded. "Most of the time it's like an evil me has taken over my body. I don't know what I'm doing but yet... I do and I like the destruction I cause, but at the same time, I don't."

"Well, Liam, it looks like we have more in common than meets the eyes." They both chuckled. "You know, Liam..." She trailed off as she slid across the small hallway towards him. "You're my beta, now. I'm your alpha and that means I'm gonna be like a parent to you. I have to protect you, nurture you, help you, train you, etc."

"You don't have to."

"It's not that I have to," She told him, knowing how it sounded. "It's that I want to, need to. I like you Liam, you remind me of my... of my younger brother." She looked deeply into his eyes. There was so much innocence, yet, there was pain. The look in his eyes was just like Henrik's and it made her sad to think about the brother they all lost too early.

But... if it wasn't for Henrik's death, she wouldn't be here. She wouldn't be here to help her friend, her pack, her family.

"We're family now, Liam. Always and Forever."

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