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"And he looked at me, like there was something in me worth looking at."

"MALIA is your sister?" Was the first question that was blurted out of Stiles' mouth as they entered his bedroom

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"MALIA is your sister?" Was the first question that was blurted out of Stiles' mouth as they entered his bedroom. "How does that happen? You're a thousand years old... she's what 17?"

"So... you're saying that I'm old?" She asked, crossing her arms, raising an eyebrow.

"Wh...what? N-no! No! I don't... i'm not... You are not old, Alex." She rose both of her brows now. "Well, okay, you are old, but not old in a sense that I wouldn't have sex with you." Her eyes widened at his words. "Not that I think about that every day.... or day dream about it... or... oh, my god! I'm just making this worse!" He covered his face with his hands, his neck all the way up to his face was red in embarrassment.

The blonde laughed, shaking her head as she walked up to him. She pushed his hands off of his face and made him look at her. "So... you think about having sex with me?" She questioned in a whisper, not believing that he would.

"Uh... erm... well, there's no point in denying it now," )3 muttered before standing tall, looking her in the eyes. "Yes." She stepped back in shock at the words and his sudden confidence. "In my opinion, you are so fucking amazing and beautiful. You...you're like this whole other un-wordly being that is too perfect to put into words. And I know that you're a vampire and that I would never have a chance. You probably have had a whole lot of experienced people who would be a lot better in bed... but it's not about sex to me. It's about a connection. And to be honest, I've felt a connection with you since our eyes first met.

And I know that you've heard about me being in love with Lydia since like third grade, and yes, that's true. But, it wasn't love, it was just a crush, and I realized that when I met you. You were just this person that understood me even if others didn't. You... We seem to get each other... and that kiss we shared, it was the most magical thing I've ever felt. And when I thought that you were dead, I literally broke down crying, and I didn't want to continue but I had to 'cause I knew that if I didn't save my dad and the others, that you would come back as a ghost to haunt me for the rest of my life."

They both chuckled at that, but then he continued to warm her un-dead heart.

"But, then you were alive and I thought I was seeing things but once I realized that you were real... I was ecstatic. I just... I have never felt this way about anyone before and I know for a fact that you don't like me like I really like you 'cause I saw you kiss Lydia at that party at Derek's."

She blushed furiously. "You saw that?"

"Yeah..." He trailed off, rubbing the back of his neck, "I saw that."

"Oh." Her face dropped. "It was kinda of a spur of the moment," she told him, "but, if I'm being honest, I do kinda like her." At her words, his face fell. "But..." she trailed off. "I've noticed Malia and Lydia hanging out a lot lately." She smiled, "I think they like each other. I've seen the way they look at each other." She leaned closer to him, "It wouldn't matter if they did seeing as I don't like Lydia like that. I like someone else." He frowned, biting down on his bottom lip as leaned closer to him and whispered in his ear, "You."

"Wha-what?" His whisky colored eyes were wide and he took a step back in shock. "You... you like me back?"

She nodded her head, biting her lip. "Of course I do." She tilted her head, grabbing his face with her hands. "Why wouldn't I?"

"Be...Because you're...you and I'm me!" He exclaimed which made her even more confused. "I'm just a plain human and you're a beautiful, amazing, thousand year old hybrid."

"So... the reason I can't like you is because you're only a human?" He nodded his head at her question. "I can..." She took in shaky breath, "I can turn you if you want if you feel like we can't be together Because you're just a human."

"Wh — what? You would do that? You would turn me into a vampire so we could be together?"

She gulped and nodded. "Only if you wanted me to," she told him, "But, don't decide just yet because for this decision, it would take a while. This life can both be good and bad. It—"

"I don't care," he blurted out which shut her up. "If I get to spend an eternity with you... I don't care." He smiled, "but let's wait until I turn eighteen."

"Why eighteen?" She asked, amused.

"Because it just feels like a proper age to be turned." They both chuckle and she shook her head at his answer. "I'll be eighteen in a year, so... we have a year to figure out everything."

"We?" She questioned. "I didn't know that there even was a "we"."

"Well, only if you want there to be." He was fumbling with his hands which she found adorable.

Without even thinking about the consequences, she launched forward and pressed their lips together.

She then pulled back, but before she could fully get out of his grasp, he pulled her closer to him.

His lips brushed her's. Not innocently, like a tease but hot, fiery, passionate and demanding. She wanted to pull away before she could lose myself but she couldn't seem to... In this minty moment, her senses had been seduced and she could no longer think straight.

"Alex," he whispered slowly, prolonging each letter as if to savor them. She smiled, her heart fluttering at his voice as she clasped her hands on either side of his face. Never before has her name ever felt so wonderful on anybody else's lips.

She pushed her body against his, his arms slipped around her waist, turning them over roughly, pushing her up against the wall. She squeaked, surprised that he had that much strength.

They start to move like partners in a dance that is written in their DNA. Their bodies fit together as if they were made just for this, to fall into one another, to feel this natural rhythm.

With a laugh, he lifted her right off her feet, carrying her towards the bed, letting her fall with a soft bounce on the mattress. They locked eyes for just a moment, just enough for them to feel safe with one another.

Then he's all business, undoing her jeans, pulling them off, kissing from her toes upward, slowly, his hands on her legs, always just a little higher than the kisses. She felt her back arch in anticipation, knowing where his fingers will soon reach. Her head rocks back against the pillow as he does, the first moan escaping her lips.

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