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This is probably gonna be a long chapter so get ready I also said season 4 last chapter went I meant 5 😅

The boys didn't feel like staying another night since it was so cold , they packed everything up and grabbed their new kittens, took them awhile to get back to the car that they parked in the school parking lot, already dark the boys and the kittens head to late vet " hey Keith your not seriously going to name the cat blade are you ?" Lance ask , Keith chuckled and nodded his head no " I didn't think you take me serious about that, no I'm naming her Kay, my dad always Kay when talking about my mom " Keith said driving , lance not wanting to offended Keith just said oh , sucks Keith never really had a mom around

The boy finally got to the late opened vet and took in the box containing the two kittens " hi I was wondering if they could get a check up or something? We found on the side of the road " Keith said lying , if they said a abandoned building then they might get charged with something " sure the doctor is still here just wait a moment " the clerk said , the boys waited about 20 minutes before the vet came to see them " so what little cutie needs to be looked after?" The vet asked looking into the box , she saw two kittens " I think they need shots as stuff but most definitely a wash " lance said from behind the vet , she nodded and took them out of the box " the paper says you two found them on the side of the road and they do look to be just under 6 weeks maybe 5 so they will definitely need shots and I'll give them a X-ray for broken bones or worms , are you guys keeping them or giving them to the shelter?" The vet asks " we plan to adopt them separate though " lance says , Keith is in the back filling out paperwork and texting coran where they are

About a hour and a half went by before the boys could leave with their new family members , on Keith papers her names his kitten which was a girl Kay after his mother and lance obviously named his milo despite milo being a girl also, the vet game them free cat food and a bed since they rescued two kittens, Keith and lance payed the vet and left, this time lance driving since Keith seemed like he was gonna pass out any second, lance pulls up to Keith place , coran and alfor are already waiting out side " what took you guys so long and where's Keith ?" Coran asked " he's in the car sleeping don't wake him and like Keith said we were at the vet , could you guys help me get this stuff into Keith's room please ?" Lance asked coran signed and started walking over to the car to grab the bags alfor grabbed the box full of kitty stuff and lance grabbed the kittens they brought everything to Keith's room but Keith " lance go wake up Keith " coran said as he and alfor walked into their room lance walked down the apartment stairs to the car to go and wake up Keith " Keith buddy were home you gotta go to sleep in your bed now " lance whispers unbuckling Keith's seatbelt, Keith got up slowly still very tired mumbling words that no one could understand " as soon as we get you into bed I'm gonna head home okay ?" Lance says placing Keith on his bed " no stay " Keith mumbles out those two words, lance smiled and kissed his forehead " you need rest" lance whispers " no I need cuddles " Keith mumbles out again , lance smiles climbing over top of Keith to lay beside him " fine " lance smiles holding the small bean that Keith is , both boys hadn't showered so they smelled bad but lance didn't care what Keith smelled like he just wanted Keith, the boys cuddled as they both fell asleep as well as their kittens

Morning time broke and Keith was still holding onto lance chest , the boys were both woken by a small black cat jumping on there faces, Keith not very happy grabbed the kitten and started to cuddle it so she wouldn't jump anymore , milo was happily laying at the end of the bed by lances feet " Keith I think it's time to wake up " lance says as he stretches his long arms Keith got up still holding Kay in his arms walks out to the kitchens to grab something to eat , he returns with two apples one in his hand other in the mouth, lance chuckles at how funny looking Keith looks , Keith throws a apple at him hitting lance in the chin " okay I deserved that " lance says taking a bite " ready to tell your parents," Keith asks sitting in the bed as Kay climbs over him , lance shocked what Keith said just stops " no but I guess it's now or never " lance says facing Keith

The boys took turns taking showers and left to lances place, " okay this is how it's gonna go down I'm gonna day screw it with your plan and we're gonna walk in holding hands got it " lance says panicking, Keith couldn't help but chuckle" sounds great " Keith says as they drove to lance place , they arrived to lances house only to have lances dad pull up behind them " ahhh lance your home finally , your mom has been meaning to talk to you , oh you must be Keith , hi I'm lances dad " lance dad says nicely as possible, Keith waves and unbuckles his seatbelt " wait , wait here I wanna get everything in before we do the plan " lance says whispering to Keith so his dad won't hear ever though he at the door of the house , Keith signs and wait for lance to get everything out of the car and into the house taking milo last " okay let's go " Keith grabbes lances and and walks into lances house lances parents in the kitchen already talking to each other " mama? Papa?" Lance says waiting for them to turn around anxiously holding Keith hand " si, what is it ?" Lances mother says turning around her eyes on lance and Keith's hand , his father already looking " I wanna talk to you , it's about me but I don't want you to get upset with me just let me explain okay " lance says holding back tears Keith rubbing his thumb against lance hand , lance parents not saying a word till lance is done speaking " I know you might not agree with this but it's who I am , I like Keith a lot and I wanna be with him and you can't change that but that dose not mean that I am gay , I still like girls but I lik- no I love Keith and I need you at least accept that I'm happy please " lance cries out Keith pulls their hands apart to hug lance and calm him down " lance sweetie , we love you no matter what and if Keith make you happy then I'm happy " lance mother smiles hugging her crying boy " lance , you are my son, as long as your happy I'm happy, but father son fishing is still father son fishing okay " lance father hugs lance and his mother Keith standing behind the three smiling , happy that lance finally got the courage to tell his parents " come here you , you think you can get out of this ?" Lance mother says pulls Keith into the big group hug " thank you mama papa " lance says wiping tears away from his eyes, Keith hugging lances side , Keith and lance talked and laughed with lances parents they got along quite good now all lance had to do was ask Keith out his way

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