Chapter 6: Secrets

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"Yah! Min Yoongi! Park Jimin!" Jin's voice bellowed from the front door, echoing around the dorm. Strained with frustration.
Jimin and Yoongi, who had fallen asleep naked in each others arms after their excursion, swapped looks of terror. Both frozen in place as they heard the foot steps of the other members begin to file into the dorm.
"Fuck!" Jimin gasped and leapt out of the bed, quickly grabbing his scattered clothes from the floor.
Yoongi followed suit, quickly putting his own clothes back on. "Aishhh...." He hissed as he stumbled while putting on his pants, hearing his roommates footsteps heading down the hallway towards their room.
They both managed to get dressed and fix their messy hair just before Jin turned the knob on their bedroom door. Yoongi found himself thankful for remembering to lock the door in his heated state. Yoongi headed towards the door, waving for Jimin to sit at his desk.
"Ah, Hyung, I'm sorry. I didn't realize I locked the door," Yoongi apologized after opening the door and coming face to face with his red skinned roommate.
"Yah!" Jin's voice was high and whiny, a clear sign he was upset. "You two just left the studio without telling anyone!"
Namjoon popped his head around the door way, "Sejin and I looked all over and called you guys like a hundred times before Hobeom finally told us he dropped you guys off here."
Jimin stood quickly, his face frowning in guilt. His voice slightly nervous, "I'm so sorry. I had my phone on silent and I didn't hear it."
"I'm sorry too," Yoongi agreed sincerely. He did feel bad for tossing away his responsibilities like that. Something out of Yoongi's character since he was normally very diligent in his work. "My phone died and I had it sitting on the charger."
Hoseok, Jungkook, and Taehyung followed to stand behind the others. All eyes on Jimin and Yoongi whose faces were flushed with embarrassment. Namjoon stared at them intently, "Why did you guys leave anyways? That wasn't like you."
Jimin stuttered in reply, "I-I wasn't f-feeling good..."
"I saw Jiminie blowing chunks in the bathroom. So I asked Hobeom-hyung to bring us back here so he could rest," Yoongi answered, nodding when Jimin shot him a thankful glance. "I let him rest in my bad while I worked."
Taehyung and Hoseok pushed their way into the room, crowding around Jimin with coos of worry for his health. Jimin trying to assure him he was healed of his nonexistent illness. Jin nodded and shared hopes for Jimin's health, making sure to remind them to alert the others before leaving set and being more responsible.
Tae and Hoseok led Jimin out of the room and into the kitchen with promises of soothing soup. Jungkook following happily behind them, never one to take things too seriously. Jin grabbed clothes to change into while Namjoon quietly waved his hand to catch Yoongi's attention. Yoongi looked at him as Namjoon points to the floor beside him, showing him Jimin's boxer briefs lying on the floor by the bed. Luckily Yoongi grabbed the underwear just as Jin headed past Yoongi and into the bathroom.
"Yoongi-ah... We need to talk," Namjoon said quietly, waving him towards his room across the hall.
Yoongi sighed out his frustration, You're an idiot, Min Yoongi.

• • • • • • • • • •

Namjoon's serious talk still resonated in Yoongi's mind over the next three weeks. The heavy words replaying over and over: Don't put the group at risk like that again. Don't be selfish. You need to be more careful. You've never been reckless before, don't start now. Be careful. Be careful. Be careful. If Yoongi's guilt could punch him, he'd be black and blue by now.
Yoongi had done what was asked if him and kept himself from being reckless. A struggle that was harder than he had ever expected. After making love with Jimin, he became even more tantalizing to Yoongi. He craved him like an addiction. He was fucking glowing for god's sake! At least in Yoongi's eyes he was.
He also found that slipping away secretly with Jimin was incredibly challenging. If they weren't busy rehearsing- they were being filmed by their production team. If they weren't appearing on a variety show- they were joining a radio program. If they had a day off- they were never out of sight of their managers or the other members.
They stole passionate kisses in bathroom stalls, shared in quick pleasures in the dorm when everyone was asleep, and took appreciation in every moment they were able to share a touch or a glance. Yoongi wondered if the space between them felt excrutiating to Jimin too. His body physically ached without Jimin. Something that troubled Yoongi. He'd never felt so reliant on someone else before. It was hard to get used to.

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