Chapter 10: Bonds

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            Morning came far too quick for Yoongi. He wanted to stay in bed with Jimin all day. Feel his touch. Hear his pleasurable praises. Watch him sleep. But they both knew they needed to get back to the dorm. The other members blowing up their phones, so much so that the two were forced to rush through their breakfast. Yoongi damning them internally for cock blocking him. Of course, forgiving them right after the thought passed.
        Jimin and Yoongi remembered to keep their distance when the car service arrived. Secretly locking their pinkies together, Yoongi smiling to himself. Finally glad, for once, for his long sleeves. The small touch somehow enough and not at the same time.
        Yoongi stood in front of their building, his stomach doing flips as his mind races to find the right words to form a coherent monologue to present to the other members. Jimin slid his hand into Yoongi's, interlocking their fingers. His touch clearing the elders mind. Jimin's smile easing his tension. The butterflies in his stomach slowly fluttering away.
      Jimin kept holding Yoongi's hand as they approached the door to their dorm. Yoongi punched in the passcode and tried to free his hand from Jimin's grasp. But the younger held firm. Shaking his head lightly, dirty blonder locks falling over his eyes. His hand keeping Yoongi's within its grip. "We're facing this together, Hyung."
      Yoongi nodded and pulled the door open. Both holding each others hand as the kicked off their shoes and stepped into the house. The dorm began to rumble with the sound of skittering feet as the members, spread through out the dorm, sprang into action. Hearing the duo enter the kitchen.
         Jungkook scrambled out of the Golden closet, hitting the wall in his rushed exit. Seokjin and Taehyung sat on the couch, looking up from their face to the couple. Namjoon clumsily exited his room, tripping down the hallway but catching himself on the kitchen island. Hoseok was the last to come, prancing happily out of his and Jimin's room.  His bright smile fading quickly at the sight of Yoongi and Jimin's hands.
        The room was quiet as eyes shifted from the couple to Hoseok and back again. Tension weighing heavily on each of their shoulders. Jimin clenched Yoongi's hand tightly. His confidence faltering. Yoongi squeezed his hand in return. Sharing some of his own bravery with the younger.
      "Where is my sister?" Hoseok's cold tone rounded completelt unfamiliar as it broke into the tension around them.
       Yoongi answered, "DaWon-ssi went home last night after dinner."
      Hoseok's eyes tried to bore invisible holes into Yoongi, "What did you do?"
       Yoongi ignored Hoseok's informal tone, focusing on replying to him calmly, "I rudely burt into their date and kissed Jiminie in front of DaWon-ssi."
      Jungkook spit and choked on his glass of water at the comment. Taehyung staring with his large mouth agape, eyes wide with surprise. Seokjin smiled widely at Yoongi while Namjoon smirked to himself, his eyes down on the phone in his lap. But Hoseok kept his fists clenched, "You!"
       The informal speech starting to nip a little at Yoongi's annoyance level as Hoseok continued to yell at him, "How could you be so disrespectful saekki-ah?!"
      This time Jimin stepped forward, "Hyung, watch your tone. DaWon-noona supports me and Yoongi-hyung. You were the one who disrespected her by dangling her in front of me. You disregarded DaWon-noona's feelings and just did what you wanted. You even know she has feelings for Jungkookie, not me."
        Jungkook and Taehyung share a quiet high five.
          Hoseok's face grew red, his eyes tearing up and Jimin took a step forward, "Hyung, why are you doing this?"
        "I hate it," Hoseok replied through grit teeth.
      "Why?" Jimin asked, his voice soft and curious.
         Hoseok yelled back, "Because it's wrong!"
        Before anyone could speak another word, Hoseok pushed his way between Jimin and Yoongi. Separating them as he stormed out of the dorm. The front door slamming behind him. The six left over members staring in absence of words for a few long moments.
        "Well..." Jungkook's voice broke the silence, draped in sarcasm, "That went well."
       Yoongi shot the Maknae and emotionless face in light of his bad humor. Jimin, still holding Yoongi's hand, pulled the elder to the couch to sit beside him. A long sigh releasing from the younger's lips. The eyes of the other members still focused on them.
     "So..." A smiled played at the edges of Jin's lips, "You just burst into Jimin-ah's date and made out with him?"
      Yoongi's face flushed red, coughing lightly, "Y-yes."
       "Uwaaaaa," Jin called, clapping in praise. "Daebak."
      Taehyung leaned into Jimin, "Wow,  Yoongi-hyung is so cool."
      Namjoon called a hand on Yoongi's shoulder, "Hyung, who knew you could spit game!"
          "He can't," Jimin corrected with a playful smile. "He's horrible at explaining his feelings. I was the smooth one."
       The other members stared in playful disbelief. Laughing as Jimin smacked the leader playfully trying to defend his title as "Smooth talker". But Yoongi couldn't help but feel Hoseok's laughter missing. The pain of his friend's words pinging at his heart.
      "What do we do about Hobi-hyung?" Taehyung asked.
       Everyone grew quiet again. Staring into space, trying to find a solution. Yoongi knew that his new relationship was shocking for everyone. He also knew the society of the country still wasn't ready to accept gays. Let alone accept gay couples within idol groups. Yoongi also knew that his new relationship would be hard for some to accept. But he missed Hoseok's friendship. The one they had built together over the past years as they worked on music together, danced together, laughed together. He missed his friend and Yoongi was sure the others felt the same. All confused by the rift torn between them.
       "I-I have an idea," Jungkook spoke up, his voice a little shy. But the members listened to his plan with open ears.

Know Yourself [] PJM & MYG/ Yoonmin []जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें