Chapter 4: Speak

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          Without realizing it, Yoongi had fallen asleep a top his piano after making his way back to the dorm from the basketball court. Yoongi could still feel the warmth of Jimin's kiss on his lips. Still feel the youngers warm skin on his fingertips. The air Jimin had stolen during their embrace still hadn't fully made its way back into Yoongi's lungs. His heart still fluttering whenever he pictured the intensity of Jimin's eyes.

      Groaning loudly, body sore from the exercise and uncomfortable sleeping position, Yoongi stood up from his chair. Stretching his arms towards the ceiling before pulling his phone from his pocket. It was already past noon on their first day off for the week. But Yoongi still felt tired. Then again... He always felt tired. But today was especially different. The early morning excursion with Jimin had drained the energy from Yoongi's entire being.
      The house was noisy as expected, as Yoongi exited his room and followed the smell of coffee to the kitchen. Yoongi managed a grumbled greeting to Namjoon and Jin who sat at the kitchen island munching on some snacks and reading the newspaper. "Wahhh," Namjoon says, taking in Yoongi's current image. Which wasn't good. "You look so tired."
      Yoongi was glad when he didn't have to speak and just focused on getting his first sip of coffee as Jin answered for him. "I woke up this morning and he was asleep, hunched over his keyboard."
       Taehyung looked up from the game he and Jungkook had been playing, "Hyung, are you okay?"
      Yoongi looked up to them. Jimin sat on the opposite side of the sectional. His eyes focused on the manhwa in his hands. His Sandy hair parted down the middle, a style Yoongi often liked on Jimin. Yoongi enjoyed seeing as much of his face as possible. Jimin had changed into a new set of sweatpants and a fresh T-shirt. Leaving Yoongi feeling a little embarrassed still wearing the same outfit, bleached hair in certain disarray.
      "I'm fine," Yoongi replied. "I just felt like working on my song some more and fell asleep without realizing."
      At those words he noticed a shy smile cross Jimin's lips. Yoongi's heart nearly lunged from his chest at the sight. His cheeks burning from the thought of their secret. He continued to stare at Jimin as the rest of the members went back to their chaotic conversations. Telepathy, Yoongi thought. Begging his nonexistent powers to compel Jimin to meet his gaze. But Jimin wouldn't budge, remaining an unmoving statue of perfection.
      As if Jimin were the most beautiful art piece on display in a museum and Yoongi unable to touch him. Unable to reach out and feel the electricity that could spark life back into Yoongi's heavy limbs.
     "Yah," Jungkook's cheerful voice rang louder than the others in search of their attention. "Let's play a game together."
       "Ohhhhhhh, JK!" Jin awed and clapped in agreement.
      The door to Jimin and Hoseok's room flung open. Hoseok came sliding down the hallway on his socks, coming to a stop in the living room, screeching his trademark crow caw. "I'm in!" Hoseok chimes brightly, "We haven't played anything fun since our last Run episode a few months back."
       The others clapped in agreement except for Jimin and Yoongi, but the others didn't seem to notice as they began bickering over what game to play.
        "Oh, oh, oh!" Jungkook jumped up from the couch. "Scavenger hunt! We split into teams and make a list of things to do or find within the complex and the losing team has to do a punishment."
       "What do the winners get?" Jimin finally spoke, the sound somehow forcing the tension in Yoongi's shoulders to relax.
       Taehyung clapped loudly, "I got it! Winners get to choose the menu for dinner tonight."
      Everyone cheers in agreement and begins grabbing a notebook and working on the scavenger hunt list. Yoongi sat at on one of the chairs in the kitchen. Sipping his coffee and chiming in with an idea or two. He felt unmotivated for any games but it had been a while since they had time for any type of free fun and he didn't want to take that away from the others.
       After a few fierce and loud, as they often were, rounds of rock paper scissors the teams had been divided: Namjoon and Yoongi, Taehyung and Jungkook, and Jimin, Hoseok, and Jin. Once decided, everyone ran to get their rooms to get changed before dashing out the front door in a mass of pushing and yelling. The instant they all step foot in front of their building Jungkook pulled out his phone, "Time limit is one hour! First team clear the most items on their list wins!"
      Without a second passing, the band split up. Sprinting into random directions with their team mates.
       Luckily Namjoon wasn't much of a runner so he and Yoongi were able to slow down to a calmer stride. It was still cold but the sun was bright. Perfect weather for them all to be out. Yoongi couldn't help but hope their fans would be happy that they're finally getting some rest.
       The pair walked silently, an instance that had lost its awkwardness after knowing each other for nearly eight years. Yoongi couldn't help but remember their time as trainees. Despite wanting to be like 1TYM in the beginning, Yoongi no longer wondered if he was on the right path. BTS had become his family and their success together had become his new dream. He wanted to share more awards with them. With Jimin, he thought.
      Namjoon stopped suddenly and turned, leaving Yoongi to follow behind in confusion. "Yah, Joon-ah, where are you going."
       Namjoon extends his long arm ahead of him, pointing at the basketball court. "We need to play a game of Horse then take a picture with the winner on the losers shoulders or in his arms."
        Yoongi froze. His sneakers inches away from the white boundary of the court. His heart pounding in his ears. Blood flushed to his cheeks. His hands clenched into fists as he tried to regain control of himself. Before he knew it...
    "I kissed Jimin." The words tumbled from Yoongi's lips. Leaving him to stare at the frozen lanky stature of his friends back.
      Namjoon turned around slowly. His eyes wider than any plastic surgery obsessed Gangnam woman. "What did you just say? You kissed-"
      "Jimin! I kissed Park Jimin!" Yoongi shouted in a half hearted attempt at a stage whisper.
     Namjoon rushed closer, "What? When? Where? What?!"
      Yoongi whined in that common strained voice he used whenever he pleaded for something, "Here. Right here. We were playing basketball at like 4 in the morning. He beat me in a one on one and I had to accept my punishment for losing and.... And he kissed me."
      Yoongi wasn't sure what reaction he was expecting from Namjoon, but this wasn't it. Namjoon smiled, muttering something inaudible before smiling wide at Yoongi, "And what did you do?"
      "I... I kissed him back."
      Namjoon sprung into the air and ran circles around the court, yelling in what seemed to be happiness or victory. "I fucking knew it!" He said, stopping his parade back in front of Yoongi. "I knew you had feelings for him."
       Yoongi groaned in disbelief, "How could you have known when I didn't even start to feel anything till the kiss?!"
      Namjoon looked at Yoongi, his chin portruding a bit to show how serious he was, "Are you sure about that?"

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