Chapter 3.

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My phone buzzed on my bedside table. I groaned and picked it up.

"Hey. Who is it?" Whoever had woken me up had some explaining to so.

"Manushi? Were you still asleep? Jesus, Manni! It's half 6! We need to be at the place with your sister for 7!" Eesha shouted down the phone.

"Woman, chill." I mumbled. "Reschedule it. I can't come today. I won't be able to. I feel ill." I lied.

I'd usually do anything for rehearsals, but today I wasn't feeling like it. Plus, I was meeting Virat.

"Are you mad? Manushi-"

"Thanks Eesha, bye!" I exclaimed and hung up. I put my phone down and fell straight asleep.

I woke up 2 hours later, feeling refreshed. I had a quick shower, and when I'd got out, I walked into my walk-in-wardrobe to decide on what to wear. After looking outside to see the weather, I decided on wearing white jeans, a grey Kenzo jumper, and some all black trainers to go with it. After I applied some makeup, I went downstairs and ate my breakfast. It looked like no one was home, so I turned on my Bluetooth speaker, and played my music full blast, until 10:50.

I grabbed my Louis Vuitton purse, and as if on cue, the gate buzzer buzzed. I pressed the button, and a few seconds later, I heard a knock on the door. I opened it and Virat's driver stood there.

"Hello, Miss Chhillar." He smiled.

"Please, call me Manushi." I smiled and he nodded. "You're Tommy, right?" I asked.

"Yes, Manushi. I am. If you'd like to follow me. I wouldn't want to keep Mr Kohli waiting too long." He chuckled and I nodded. I locked the front door and got in the Bentley. I wondered who called him by his surname, and who called him Virat.

"Does everyone call him by his surname?" I asked.

"Most people. Workers do, but his family, his very closest friends, and his assistant, Arjun call him by his first name. Honestly, I was very shocked when I heard you say Virat." He awkwardly chuckled.

I stayed quiet, not knowing what to say. Virat had let me call him by his first name, but even some of his friends were only allowed to call him by his surname. Maybe Meena was right. Maybe I am special to him.

After half an hour, we reached the building. I'd visited the building many times, as my sister worked here. I hope Virat didn't know that. If my sister ever spoke to him, I'm sure Virat would run away from not only her, but me too.

"Here you are, Manushi." Tommy smiled and opened the door for me.

"Thanks." I smiled. We walked past the receptionist, and she gave me a dirty look, so I gave her the most sweetest look I could possible give.

"I'll take you up." He said and I nodded. We got into the elevator and he pressed the button for the top floor.

After a few seconds, the doors opened. The floor was incredible. It was so beautiful, even downstairs was the definition of luxury.

He even had his own mini-reception, where his assistant probably worked.

There was no one at the front desk, so Tommy knocked on his door.

"What?" I heard Virat snap.

"Good luck." Tommy chuckled as I opened the door.

His World. - Virat Kohli. Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon