Chapter 19: Gathering

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3rd P.O.V

Yn sighed as the portal closed, he looked at Damian with a bored expression.

"So that's one down, and I'm guessing you're going to be going after Sirzech next, right?" he asked as he was leaning on a tree

"Yeah, do you mind teleporting me to him?" Yn asked

"Sure, but I can't teleport you to the throne room, you'll need to get there yourself. But you shouldn't have a problem, not like you really wasted much power on Riser anyways, you didn't even remove any of your seals" he chuckled "And you gave him one hell of a torture"

"Just make the damn portal," Yn said seriously. Damian just sighed and did as he said, as Yn was walking through Damian spoke again "Just one thing" he said stopping Yn, he looked over his shoulder at him

"A warning. Your eyes may be the most dangerous because of the recoil on your body, but your mask is a different story. Don't let it mess with your head, it can be even more dangerous then your eyes if you let it" he warned

Yn simply nodded and walked through the portal, not truly caring about the warning. He had something heavy on his mind, he wanted his revenge, he didn't care about what would happen, he didn't care if Sirzechs had an army ready, he was determined to kill him

The portal closed behind him, leaving Damian alone at the gravestone. However he sighed and opened another portal, walking through it and ending up in a room filled with different people, but five of them being the other Nephalem. The room itself was large, fancy, and filled with furniture and an extremely large mirror taking up most of the top half of one of the walls

"I thought I said not to use a command on me, do you want to piss me off, Vali?" he asked and made the dragon emperor chuckle "Sorry, wanted to make sure you were all here for this, don't want you any of you to help him or interfere with him"

"I only helped the kid get there, nothing more," he said sternly 

"I know, but still, I can't be too careful" he smirked "Alex wanted to go there and kill Yn while he was weak from the fighting" they all looked over at Alex and he clicked his tongue

Damian walked over to him "Then you've got to go through me, shorty" he warned

"Who you calling short?! Don't make me kick your ass too!" he yelled

"Bring it pipsqueak!" he shouted back as they practically glared lightning at each other

"Hey, shut up or I'm getting involved" First said, he was casually sitting on a couch, not bothering to even get up he simply let out a violent aura, causing both of them to look at each other once more and then turning around and walking away

"I'm leaving, no need to watch the kid, I already know the outcome," Damian said as he walked out the door

"I hope he dies," Alex said as he kicked down a wall "Dammit I'm going to kill some strays, need something to let my anger out on" he yelled as he kept kicking down walls 

First sighed and headed towards the door "I'm going out for a drink, you can all do what you want" he said as he disappeared 

August rolled his eyes "I don't care anymore, I'll be in my room training" he said as he disappeared out of the room

A yawn was heard and Lily was seen in loose pajamas "Well if that's all, I'm going back to sleep" she slowly and lazily made her way to the door, looking like a zombi e and soon exiting the room, leaving Em and Vali's team

"Should we stop them?" Kuroka asked

"No, Vali used a command to make sure none of them interfere with Yn, they won't do anything" Arthur answered her question

Highschool dxd X Male ReaderOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora