Chapter 13

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The next thing Fang knew she was in the huge glass container. But something was off. She felt off, like a tingly feeling where hot water would hit the soft skin of your body. It didn't hurt much, but enough of this to make her uncomfortable. As she glanced around, not being able to move much, she noticed...her chest...was..bigger. Her hips had more curve to them as her thighs were thicker. She was slim, but had some thickness. Her legs and arms were longer, along with her hair which floated in the water. She then heard muffled noises before two figures came into the room, which neither looked familiar to her. One was short but skinny, like a twig, with plump blue lips and kryptonite  green eyes. Her eyes..her eyes were intoxicating to poor Fang. She didn't realize what they were doing. They were draining the water for some reason 'why?' she had thought to herself. As the water drained and her knees rested on the wet ground, she looked up to the women, not paying attention to the male that was beside of her.

"You're finally awake and seems the growth experiment was a succes. Now if you could please stand so we can start analyzing your body and bone structure?" the woman had said in a monotone voice. Fang could only nod before standing, wobbily before slamming her hands against the glass. This startled the doctors outside of the enclosure of her. Knowing she was only trying to balance, they let it slide.

Soon after flashing of lights came on in the dismal place. A donut like tube over the glass cylinder she was in started to lower down, spinning slowly at first but soon sped up. It made a whirling noise before it slowed again and the lights immediately shut off. The tube went and up and soon the tube had opened. The doctors only nodded, gesturing fang to come out. And thats what she did. Her first few steps out before darting towards the door. She felt quicker, but this made her dizzy being unuse to the feeling. Unbeknowest of her, they had done experiments on her. Or someone else did? She was unsure at the moment. All she wanted to do was curl up into a ball, but she was stronger than that. She gritted her teeth somewhat and glanced around the room before speaking in low but gruffy tone to the doctors. " my brother..? Why? Why did you take me away?! How long has it been!" She began to ask as she grew angrier and angrier by the second. She then whined in pain as a sharp feeling flashed acrossed her chest. Raising her hand, she cupped her chest in pain but didn't let up as she began to scream incoherent words at the doctors who tried to make her calm down.

"Her heart is still weak! If she continues like this she might-" the doctor was cut off as she had chopped at a pressure point in her neck. The doctor fell unconscious onto the floor. The second doctor stared in disbelief before reaching for the phone to call backup but Fang had quickly made her way to him and smashed her foot into his stomach. The pressure caused him to through up and even pass out. Fang spat at them. Something within her changed. She was angry, her eyes red and gold eyes glowed somewhat. Before she knew it, she was beginning to rampage through that lab trying to find a way out. From the commotion, security was called and a dozen or so armed men came. They all pointed at her, but a voice from above spoke "we want this specimen alive. Do NOT kill her. I repeat DO NOT KILL HER" the voice exerted sternly before going off. Fang stood there huffing softly before glaring at the armed men. Her eyes dared them to do something to the pained child. The room was still before shots were fired...

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