Chapter 20: The Jail Bird

Start from the beginning

I pull out the keys and unlock the cell as his eyes flicker open. The cell door could definitely use some WD-40, if the keys wouldn't have woken him the squeak from the door would have. Again, it probably hasn't been opened in twenty years. The file boxes that were stuffed in it are stacked up in the hallway beside me.

It takes him a moment to register where he is before his green eyes meet mine, causing my stomach to do its usual Jax-induced summersault.

"Damaged goods is here to bail you out." I say with a roll of my eyes and let the cell door hang freely open. The creak from the door over exaggerates this a bit, but I don't stop it as it slowly and loudly continues to open wider without my assistance.

He continues to stare at me. I feel awkward, he's sitting there pitying me without even saying a word.

"Do you want out or not?" I motion to the open door.

He takes the book off of his chest and closes it, setting it on the cot and stands.

"Are you okay?" he finally speaks.

"Am I okay?" I force a stubborn laugh. "No, Jax I'm not okay. I wasn't before either. Nothing has changed with me other than now I know there was a reason why I got into his backseat. I still hate him, he still creeps me out. I am the same not-okay girl I was before that assembly yesterday..."

His eyes get big as he watches me ramble. "You seem... pissed..."

"I am pissed!" I shove his shoulder hard with my hand.

"Gabby..." he grabs the area of his body that I pushed.

"You called my dad?" I feel absolutely betrayed by him and it's taking everything I have not to cry. I thought I was out of tears, but they are still there.

"I didn't know what else to do!"

"I still don't even know if I was raped! Do you understand what it's like talking to your dad about losing your virginity?" I shove him again, unable to control my own hands.

"He needed to know!" he growls. The flair of his nostrils shows his anger brewing.

"No he didn't! I had to tell that story over and over again today! My mom knows!" I keep pushing him as hard as I can with every person I mention. "School officials know!" another push. "My doctor knows! Our lawyer, who is also our nosy neighbor knows...!" Three more pushes, "...your sister, I'm sure the Porter family knows!"

"Gabby knock it off" he says angrily as he holds his hands up to block the assaults.

"The librarian who had to babysit you knows!" another push.


"The whole fucking town is going to know! My dad's coworkers all know!"

I see the anger in him spiking as I continue to hit him but I can't bring myself to stop. All of it, every piece of anger, every tear I've cried, the sleepless night I had, it's all been coming to a head.

"Damnit Gabby stop fucking hitting me!"

"Why? Will you get so angry you'll push me back, like you did Jimmy's mom?" I push him again but this time he grabs my wrists and holds them.

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