25. The Sea

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Note: Listen to "Sea" by BTS while reading this.


Standing there on the shore
I was waiting for the waves to rise
And reach my feet on the sand.
As I waited, the freezing waves sent shivers down my spine.
It was rather soothing.

It was dark and quiet except for the sound of the thrashing waves.
They kept rising; reaching above
my knees
Cleaning away the pain I was holding on for so long.

I couldn't see the people,
I couldn't see myself.
It was just the sea speaking to me;
Carrying tales from the ocean and placing them at my feet.
I could feel my body float with my feet still on the ground.
It was breathtaking.

The waves climbed higher and now reached for my soul,
And I wished I could just dissolve
into it, call it my home
And just drift away.

When I closed my eyes
It felt like I left the land.
I was one with the sea.
And I was free. I was calm.
Like the time stopped and asked
me to heal.
Just stay there and let it all go.

And when the waves were too high and scaring me
I dug my legs deeper in the sand
To make myself aware that this wasn't a dream
And I don't have to wake myself up to save me.

The sea was loud now. It was screaming- almost.
Telling me I was too close.
The moon was red and magnificent.
I was playing audience to conversation of the Sea and the Moon.
It was like the universe was celebrating;
Celebrating creation, in all its glory;
And here I was, a small piece of clay
Melting with the waves
Witnessing the harmony of the moon and the sea.
I was content. I was at peace.

- Pink Poet



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