16. Alive

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Note: Listen to "1-800-273-8255" by Logic while reading this.


It was quiet today.

As calm as the summer sea.

The silence was growing on me.

Felt like I dropped the cross I was carrying on my shoulders

While constantly being whipped by reality.

Was this the silence before a huge storm

Or was this the silence of me drowning in water?

As I struggled to find a word for it,

I figured, it was not staying longer.

I wasn't scared of losing it,

I was scared of not making it fruitful.

I want to look back at this day

And say, I lived like a butterfly

Evolved out of its cocoon.

I know my days were numbered

But I still fluttered my vibrant wings.

For that one moment, I was alive.

-Pink Poet


A/N: Thank you for reading and loving my poetry collection. Do keep sharing and voting.

And for those who haven't heard the song by Logic, go now and click on the video above. It is one amazing song!
I was brought down to tears by the song and it's music video.
It simply talks about people going through mental illness. In today's society talking about mental illness and suicide is such a taboo. Nobody wants to talk about how a person is crushing mentally. It is happening all around us and nobody wants to acknowledge it.

People are called coward for attempting suicide or even being suicidal. But nobody knows or even want to know what made a person so broken. It isn't just a bad day that makes them do it. It's years and years of fighting it. Years and years of trying to be someone they aren't. And one day the world collapses around them. They feel helpless. They cry but nobody understands their tears.

Suicide isn't the solution. But "trying to be normal" isn't the solution too.
People fighting their mental illness are the strongest and bravest hearts I have met. They try everyday. Try everyday to live.

And I am so happy Logic brought out this song. "1-800-273-8255"  is a suicide prevention hotline number. Close to 800,000 people die due to suicide every year. This is increasing at an alarming rate with an increase in the rate of people suffering from mental illness.
I am not here to bore you out with statistics. I am just using this platform to convey what I feel is being ignored in this society. It is hard to recognise a person going through mental illness. But that doesn't mean nobody is.
I want people to be more aware about it.

Thank you for reading my rant, whoever has come this far. Lol.

Anyways thank you for reading and keep reading my poems. Will try to update the next one soon.
Thank you xoxo

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