6. The Demon

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Note: Listen to "Demons" by Imagine Dragons while reading this.


I always feared humans.
I feared their resentment for a person's dark side
I feared they'd eat me whole, for all my differences felt like a curse.

A man of God once told me, "Embrace your true self and you'll find happiness"
And so I did.
I let go of the fear. Accepted all that was mine
To my dismay, it brought me no happiness.
For all it did was reshape my fear into hatred.
Now I hated every being that ever walked this earth.

As I drowned deeper in rage, the depths corrupted me with sinister thoughts.
I envied humans because they never could see what I saw.
They never experienced the world in my shoes.

Then on that fateful night, the demon under my bed spoke to me
He told me; the world we live in is an illusion.
Nothing more but a game of chess played by God and the devil
And we were mere pawns to bend as per their will.

He told, "The Satan rested not in the depths of hell, but the soul of human
Waiting for you to unravel the truths and reach out to him.
He feeds on your fear."

We all fear something in life, the Demon said
The world revolved around this old dictum.
Some chose to fear the Devil and some chose to fear God.
But the human who has seen all the horrors of the world
He is trapped in the darkness of his soul.
And only he can sail the ship of salvation to reach the other side.

I never got to ask about the other side as the Demon put me to sleep.
The morning came and everything seemed like a dream.
But only in my heart, I knew it was the truth.
All I was left with was a key and two doors before me.
And I had to choose. 

-Pink Poet



A/N: At last this poem is out. This has been one of my favorite works. I hope you guys liked this one too.

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Thank you, guys!!!

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