The saved

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Kenya's POV

I felt a presence in the room but I couldn't speak or move. It was like I was on the outside of my own body. Just thoughts swirling around in the hospital room.

I heard crying and I knew it was Jeremy's. It didn't affect me one bit, because if it wasn't for him. I'd be okay. I wouldn't be laid up in a hospital with my baby on watch.

When that girl said that Jeremy was the father of her son, my body went into shock which forced my body into labor. Oxygen was cut off from my baby boy once I passed out and he went almost a minute before getting some air. He is now in the Intensive Care Unit and is being watched. There is a large chance that he won't make it thru the night.

I haven't been able to even hold him yet and he might be dead. All because of his father letting his side bitch put stress on me and our child.

"Baby I'm so sorry. I haven't been there for you the a nigga should be. I ain't been home and taking care of y'all emotionally and allat and I'm sorry. I messed up. I been messing up but baby if you just wake up. If you just come out of this I promise I'll change it all. You gotta fight this baby. For Salem, for Kai, and for me baby" he said holding my hand and balling his eyes out. It still did not affect me.

He did this shit so now he'll have to live with it. The only thing I care about is making sure my child was okay. That's what I had to fight for.

I squeezed his hand with all my might and he gripped my hand tighter before running to the door calling for the doctor and nurses so that they could check on me.

"Mrs. Carter? Can you here me? This doctor Evans" the doctor said and I squeezed his hand as well. I heard him love some things around and grab my hand back.

"Open your eyes for me sweetie" he said and I thought about my kids, opening my eyes slowly he was so handsome.

I was shocked to see how good looking doctor Evans was but I spotted Jeremy in the corner of the room looking at me and I drowned automatically.

"Where's my baby?" I asked as he smiled down at me.

"Well to all our surprise, baby Kai is doing great. He pushed through the hard part and we will be monitoring him and keeping him on the oxygen just to be careful" he said and I nodded with a few tears slipping out of my eyes and he rubbed my hand gently.

"Jeremy can you bring Salem in here to see me please?" I asked never even looking up at him.

I heard the door close to my hospital room so I know he had left.

I don't care if I'm being a bitch, he betrayed our marriage and our family so the last thing I'm worried about is his little ole feelings. There's a new Kenya in town. You either do right, or you get left.

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