"Why am I never invited to that kind of stuff?", Joey complained.

"Sweetie, for the last time: it's not a girl's night if there's a guy involved", Alycia smiled at him.

"But it's not a fun night without Joey", he argued, smirking.

"That I can't argue", Alycia replied.

"Chills", Chandler warned. "That gave me actual chills. Not the nice ones".

"Rach, we're getting late for the eye doctor appointment!", Monica called.


"How did the little girl do at the eye doctor?", Alycia teased when she arrived at the coffee house where all the friends but Ross and Chandler were.

"Very funny", Rachel replied while drinking her coffee.

"Oh, I meant Monica", Alycia quickly explained.

"I got a lollipop!", Monica exclaimed happily.

"Yeah, you always do", Alycia said right before walking closer to Joey to give him a quick kiss as a way to say hi. "Where's your roadtrip buddy?".

"Making his bag", Joey replied. "Here, I bought you a coffee", he smiled, handing the mug to her. "Totally on me".

"Aw, you're the best", she smiled back, kissing him again.

"Uh, hi", Phoebe quickly said.

"Alright. Phoebe bought you a coffee", Joey confessed. "But it was my idea".

"In that case, thank you, Pheebs", Alycia corrected. "I'm not kissing you, but I really appreciate it", she joked.

"Oh, trust me. If I wanted you to, you'd have already kissed me by now", Phoebe smiled at her before drinking her coffee.

Alycia stared back at her, confused. Monica and Rachel did the same, but Joey suddenly started chuckling a little.

"You just imagined Phoebe and Alycia making out", Monica said as she turns around to look at Joey.

"Yep", he admitted.

"Gross!", Rachel quickly replied.

"Let's change the subject", Alycia suggested. "How was the appointment, Rach?".

"Oh, fantastic. In fact, those drops the doctor gave me are working! My eye feels so much better now".

"They're still in my coat", Monica said to her friend while she cursed at her.

"Hey, how cold is it gonne be there? Do I need a coat or are all these sweaters enough?", Chandler asked Joey after walking inside the coffee house with his bag ready. "What?", he asked after noticing the girls staring at him.

"I love you", Monica smiled up at him.

"I wish Ross was coming with us", Joey confessed. "I'm gonna miss him".

"Thanks a lot. I just got that jerk out of my mind", Phoebe snapped back.

"Did I miss something?", Alycia asked.

"She's just really mad at Ross", Rachel explained to her.

"Oh well, is easy to get mad at Ross", Alycia nodded. "Can't really blame her".

"Hey, we need to plan girl's night", Monica chimed in, smiling at the idea of spending time just the four of them together with no guys around.

"Totally", Alycia agreed. "My house or yours?".

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