Chapter Twelve

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"Hmm..... maybe I can impress Flint if I wear something more exciting like an armor! Then he will be sure to notice me!" Fiona thought to herself.

She roamed over to the armor section. There were many choices. She eventually narrowed it down to three sets.

 She eventually narrowed it down to three sets

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She thought that the first two choices were more like dresses and decided to pick the last choice with the more actual armor-like style

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She thought that the first two choices were more like dresses and decided to pick the last choice with the more actual armor-like style.

"Whelp, time to meet the others!" Fiona said as she walked outside of the giant armory, being the first one to exit.

Fiona sighed. She guessed she would have to wait for everyone.

In Flint's version of the armory, his choice was also being affected by his crush.

At first he was going to pick a suit, but then decided that since Fiona reminded him of a princess, that he could be her knight in shining armor.

When he reached the armors, he was surprised at the large selection.

He found three armors that he liked.

He found three armors that he liked

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In the end, he chose the first armor for its knight-like look and its cool looking cape

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In the end, he chose the first armor for its knight-like look and its cool looking cape.

He put it on and headed outside, being the second of the four senior high school students to exit the armory.

Denver was having a tough time trying to choose between all the armors, since they all seemed really cool to him.

Two caught his eye, though.

Two caught his eye, though

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They both had whimsical looks that he found really interesting

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They both had whimsical looks that he found really interesting.

The one he chose, which was the first armor, seemed to give more protection, having a thicker fabric.

Being satisfied with his choice, Denver got dressed and wondered who Marina's parents were and why they had a castle. He also wondered if Marina would like his armor, or think he was dorky for wearing it. Nevertheless, he walked out of the armory meeting Fiona and Flint, who were turning away from each other because they were blushing at each other's outfits.

Marina was strolling through the armor part of the armory still, trying to find something fit for dinner. She also wanted to impress Denver, so she was very nervous.

While walking, one armor set caught her attention. It reminded her of a Greek goddess type of dress, it was blue and had silver chain accents. It was a two piece kind of dress with the stomach showing and the skirt was flowy so you could fight in it.

 It was a two piece kind of dress with the stomach showing and the skirt was flowy so you could fight in it

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Marina immediately put it on, in love with the armor. She walked out meeting everyone, mentally preparing herself for what was to come.


I think this may be the longest chapter I've written and I'm very happy with it. Note that the only armor that I drew was Marina's. Tell me what you think off the armor and the chapter in the comments!

Word count: 466

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