Chapter One

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Water. A word Marina despised with all her being, even though the only thing that made her special was her aquatic powers.

She didn't always hate her powers, though. She once loved them, but that was when her parents were alive.

~ Flashback ~

Marina and her parents had gone on a cruise paid by the company her mother worked at. Everything had been going good, when the wind started to pick up. The waves became increasingly huge and the ship began to rock. Her parents held her, telling her that the storm would pass, but the ocean warned her not to be deceived.

There was only one thing that scared Marina, though. The storm had started when she had gotten into a fight with another child on the cruise, accusing her to be evil because of her ominous dark blue hair. She told the kid he was an idiot. Why did she have to deal with someone who didn't understand her magical gift? She sorta wished that her hair wasn't so flashy, so people didn't know she had the special powers that came with the hair. But back to the important stuff.

Marina had been grasping her powers and sometimes helped when the water fountain wasn't working at school, so she was for sure that her powers were to blame for this storm.

All of a sudden, a giant wave hit the boat and tipped it sideways, her parents slowly drowning in the process.

But she didn't.

The ocean was her friend and kept her afloat. Suddenly, she saw one of the most famous magic beings of all time. Luna. Marina was at a loss for words. She looked so cool flying with her transparent galaxy wings in the moonlight, that Marina had almost forgot what had just happened. Then she saw Luna's horrified face. It wasn't an "oh my God that ship tipped over" face though, it was something much, much deeper...

~ End Flashback ~

Luna and her husband, Aaron, ended up taking Marina in and from that day on, Marina minimized all contact with water and never used her powers, in fear of hurting anyone else. For all she knew, they were the reason her parents were dead.

Okay I don't know what I'm doing so if this is cringeworthy I'm sorry if did like it and would like to see what I imagined teenage Marina to look like, please tell me! ~ katkat1806

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