"You don't have to do anything", Phoebe insisted. "Just don't tell them we know".

"But I'm tired of the secrets. I got your secrets, their secrets...I have secrets of my own too, you know?".

"You don't have any secrets", Rachel crossed her arms.

"You don't know about Huggsy, my bedtime penguin pal!".

"Anyway", Rachel says after a few seconds in silence for that random revelation. "How are we gonna mess with them?".

"Well, you could use your position as the roommate and then I would, you know, use the strongest tool at my disposal: my sexuality", Phoebe smirked.

Joey and Alycia were back at her apartment since they decided to watch a movie together. They were cuddling on the couch when someone bursted into the aparment, making them turn their attention to the door.

"Guys!", Monica says the moment she's inside the apartment.

"Phoebe knows about us!", Chandler exclaimed.

"I didn't tell them", Joey shrugged.

"Them?", Monica gasped in horror. "Who's them?".

"Phoebe...and Alycia".

Monica and Chandler gave both of their friends a serious look.

"And Rachel", Alycia gave up, moving away from Joey.

"I was gonna tell you but they made us promise not to!".

"But now that you guys know, it's over. We can just let this go and tell them you guys know they know", Alycia suggested.


"No, not unless", Joey cuts Monica off. "This must end now!".

"They think they're so slick messing with us! But see, they don't know that we know that they know", Monica smirked.

"Oh no, here it comes", Alycia sighed.

"Ah, yes", Chandler agreed. "The messers become the messees!".

"I'm so over them", Alycia commented while looking at Rachel, Phoebe, Monica and Chandler.

Phoebe and Rachel know that the couple is aware that they know about them and now is just a stupid competition.

"At least we're not stuck in the middle anymore", Joey replied. They were both sitting near the window, ignoring their friends. "Hey, look! Ugly naked guy has a new naked friend".

"Yeah", Rachel said when all the friends walked near the window. "Oh, my god, that's our friend! It's naked Ross!".

The friends screamed in shock and surprise as Alycia quickly closed the curtain, blocking that horrible view.

"We are never going to talk about that", Alycia says, still very shocked for seeing her friend naked. "Never in a million years".

"I even went shopping and you guys aren't done yet".

"He's not backing up!", Phoebe replied to Alycia. "He went to get lotion".

"Wow, so this is a serious game", she crossed her arms. "Where's Joey?".

"In the apartment", Rachel replied just when he was opening the door.

"You guys aren't done yet? I want to sit in my chair".

"The sooner Phoebe breaks Chandler, the sooner you get to sit in your chair", Rachel replied.

"Show him your bra!", Joey suggested. "He's scared of them".

In a quick move, he walked over her and opened up her dress, revealing her bra.

"You didn't rip off any buttons", she points out, amazed.

"Not my first time", he smirked.

Phoebe closed the door while Rachel, Joey and Alycia stood outside the aparment. They heard the conversation between them, waiting for someone to finally give up.

"Okay, you win!", Chandler says after a while. "I can't have sex with you".

"Ha! And why is that?".

"Because I'm in love with Monica!", he replied. Rachel opened the door as quickly as possible, still not believing what he just said. "Yes, that's right! I love her!".

Monica walked closer to him, a big smile on her face. "I love you, Monica", Chandler repeated, this time directly to her.

"I love you too, Chandler", she replied right before kissing him.

"I just...I thought you guys were doing it, not that you were in love!", Phoebe smiled.

"Hats off to you, Pheebs. Quite a competitor", he shakes hands with her. "And may I say your breasts are still showing".

"So it's over now", Alycia said.

"Well, Ross doesn't know yet", Monica said.

"And we'd appreciate it if no one told him yet".

"As if that's gonna be easy", Alycia replied to Chandler before leaving the apartment.

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