"Did you tell her? What did she say?".

"Thank you".

Monica chuckles, "You're welcome! What did she say?".

"She said thank you. I said I love you, and she said thank you", Ross says, expresionless.

"Wow, you told her you love her?", Joey asks in disbelief. "What were you trying to get her to do?".

"What do I do now?", Ross asks after deciding to ignore his friend's statement.

"Play hard to get", Joey spoke again.

"She already lives in London".

"So you go to Tokyo".

"Joey, honey, it's okay", Alycia putted a hand on his shoulder, giving the hint it was enough with the advices.

"Look, you told her you love her. Forget it, it's over", Chandler added.

"It's not over, you're over!", Monica exclaimed.


"You know!", she insisted.

"Okay...good one", Chandler finally said.

"It's not over because she's gonna call you and tell you she loves you too! She couldn't tell you before because her feelings were so strong that it scared her".

"Mon, you watch way too much soap operas", Alycia shakes her head.

"No, I do not. I said you and Joey were gonna be together and now you are, right? You go home and wait for her call", Monica quickly said, grabbing her brother by the arm to drag him out of the apartment. "She could be calling from the plane, go!"

"Okay. But if she doesn't call it is definately over. Wait...unless I call her, you know, just to see how things are going, and if she says she'll call me and then she doesn't call, then it's over".

"Way to be strong, man!", Joey says sarcastically.


"She doesn't know which one she wants", Ross continues telling the story about his phone call with Emily last night.

"This isn't how things were supposed to go. There can't be another guy", Monica complains at the idea of her whole little love story being utterly destroyed.

"Whatever. You deserve better anyway", Alycia says in an attempt to make her friend feel any better, although she knows that probably won't help at all.

"Of course there's another guy!", Monica exclaims shortly after. "This is even more perfect".

"Mon, I think that last porn film got you a bit creative", Alycia warned her after remembering the threesome that was on the TV about half an hour earlier on the TV.

"No. I mean that Ross has to prove his love now".

"I'm not proving anything. I'm done listening to you. If I didn't listen to you in the first place, I wouldn't had gone to the airport and then put my fist trough the wall".

"You put your fist trough a wall?".

"No, I missed and hit the door".

"You have to go to London", Monica said firmly. "You have to go and fight for her".

"Yeah, that might work. Because you told her you love her and she didn't say anything, and then she told her there was another guy so yeah, go to London, that would scare her!", Joey says, not agreeing with Monica's idea at all.

"When Rachel was with Paolo, what did you do?".

"I made fun of his accent", Ross replied simply.

"My God, what a charm!", Alycia joked.

"You sat back and let him have her. You didn't fight. You want the same thing to happen with Emily?"


"Then go and fight for her! That could be you and Emily", she added, pointed at the TV.

"I hope you two won't ever touch yourselves like that around us tho", Alycia remaked as she saw the porn film on the screen.

"C'mon, just go!", Monica grabbed Ross by the arm, dragging him over to the door. "Don't let her go without a fight".

"Alright, I'll do it. I'm gonna go to London and I'm gonna fight for her".


"Are we in London?", Chandler asked confused after he opened the door or the apartment, meeting Emily on the other side.

"What are you doing here?", Monica asked as confused and surprised as Chandler and everyone else in the apartment.

"I've come to talk to Ross. I was gonna call him but...".

"You're here to tell him you love him! I was right! I was right, right?".

"I'd rather talk to him. I went to his apartment and he wasn't there. Do you have any idea where he is?".

"Kinda have something in mind", Alycia says from the living room.

Monica quickly handed the phone to Emily so she could call to her house in London in hope that Ross could hear her. It rang until it got to the voice mail. All the friends turned to look at her as she spoke.

"Ross, I don't know if you can hear me but I'm gonna talk anyway. I'm at the States with your sister and your friends. It's all over with Colin. I came here to tell you that and to tell you that...Yes, Joey, you can have all the chocolate you want, just take it! Anyway, I came here to tell you that I love you".

The phone call had to end shortly after because of an incoming call. Alycia stopped really minding Emily and Ross' business and choose to eat the Toblerone bar with Joey instead.

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