"Alycia can do that", Phoebe pointed out.

"Wow", Joey looks at her. "How did we not know that?".

"She did it when we were drunk in Italy", Phoebe explained, earning a confused look from everyone but Alycia. "There's a lot of things you guys don't know about".

"Ignoring just how weird that was", Monica turned back to look at Rachel. "If you want to kiss him, you could use mistletoe".

"It's not Christmas", Rachel argued.

"Or spin the bottle".

"And he's not 11".

"Thank you so much for this, it was really thoughful of you", Emily walked up to them, followed by Ross.

"You're leaving?".

"Yes, we have somewhere we need to get to", Ross replied to Rachel.

"I think I'm gonna take off too, actually", Joshua also walked up to the group.

"No, no, you can't leave! We have this whole big thing planned".

"What big thing?", Ross dared to ask.


"Who wants to go first?".

"I'll go", Emily smiled, moving closer to the circle to spin the bottle that was on the centre.

"Welcome to America!", Joey grinned when the bottle landed pointing at him.

The two kissed as everyone chuckled and clapped a little. A few of them turning to look at Ross to catch his reaction. It was Joey's turn then when it landed on Alycia, so it wasn't a big deal for anyone to see them kissing.

Alycia spinned the bottle this time, landing again on Joey.

"Second time! You have to use your tongues now!", Monica said.

"Not like they haven't done it before, am I right?", Phoebe joked, earning a glare from Alycia.

They kissed again, their kiss lasting just seconds. When Joey spinned the bottle, it landed on Alycia again.

Not like either of them minded, though.

"What are the odds?", Joey pointed out, starting to move closer to her again.

"Okay, someone else should be able to play too", Rachel cuts then off, chuckling awkwardly. "Okay, I'll go", she hurriedly added, spinning the bottle and this landining on Joshua. She smiles, moving closer to him for a kiss.

"Oh! The baby just kicked".

"Don't worry! It's gonna kick again", Rachel argued, desperateoy trying to keep the game going so she could kiss Joshua. However, the group ignored her as they helped Phoebe stood up to check if anything was okay with the baby. "Okay, just remember where everyone were sitting".


"Whoa", Alycia chuckled as she stepped closer to Rachel. "Are you performing for us now?".

"Well, my lucky dress didn't work but for four years, this baby never missed", she replied while pointing at her cheerleader uniform.

Monica turns to look at Alycia with obvious surprise. "She lost her mind", Monica mutters to her friend. 

Rachel was about to walk further into the room but Monica quickly stopped her, "Rachel, I can't- actually I want to see what happens".

Rachel chatted a little with Joshua before rushing over one corner of the living room to start with her performance. Monica and Alycia exchanged a look before focusing back on their friend. Both knew this wasn't going to end very well.

"Give me an E!".


"Give me an M!".


"Give me a I!"


"Give me an L!".


"Give me a Y!".


"What you get?", she rushes back to one side, thorwing her pomp pomps away. "Emily!", she does a flip, followed by another one as she enters her room, hitting herself as the group heard her yell. Shortly after, she returns to the room, pretending nothing happened.

Gunther started clapping excitedly as everyone stood there in silence.

"Are you okay?", Joey and Monica walked over her.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just loosen my tooth, no big deal. I have a dentist! I'm just gonna put some ice, excuse me". She rushed over the table where all the drinks were along witht he cups and the ice. "Okay, what do I do now?".

"I think you're done", Monica replied.

"Time to take off your bra", Joey added, earning an angry groan from Rachel and a stern look from Monica and Alycia.

"That was...uh...really great", Joshua confessed. "But I gotta take off".

"Take your bra off...", Joey mutters.

"Let's get your coat", Rachel ignored him as she walked away with 

"I bet you twenty bucks that she's gonna try to take her bra off", Alycia said after the two were gone.

"Clearly, she's gonna do it", Joey shakes her head.

"Yeah, no bet", Monica also agreed.

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