"Yeah, you should play in public", Rachel agreed.

"Wow, thank you guys. I want to play you another piece and– oh, I left my helicopter sounds on another disc. I'll be right back".

"Take as much time as you need", Alycia smiles.

"God bless my dad for soundproving the basement", Monica says when Ross was gone.

"I can't believe I ever let him touch me with those fingers", Rachel added while walking near Monica to sit next to her.

"What are you guys talking about? I loved it! It was so moving", Phoebe replied.

"It was a dog, a cow and a bunch of lasers", Alycia looks at Phoebe in disbelief, not understanding how she thinks Ross' music was actually good.

"But it's just so different from the stuff you usually hear", Phoebe insisted.

"You mean music?", Chandler asked as susprised as Alycia by the fact that Phoebe actually liked it.


"You kissed Kathy?!".

"I believe the people three blocks away from here didn't quite hear you", Chandler sighed.

"How could you do something like this? Joey's you're friend!".

"I know that and I feel awful! Things just sort of happened, you know?".

"Oh, so it sort of happened that you, out of nowhere, crashed your lips right on hers?", Alycia insisted, feeling so upset and disappointed. "Are you gonna tell Joey now?", she crossed her arms.

"Are you insane? Of course not, that would crush him!".

"So what are you gonna do about it, you're just gonna lie to him forever? Let him be with a girl that literally cheated on him with his best friend?".

Chandler was silent for a few seconds, "I was thinking maybe I could buy new stuff for our house".

"You're unbelieveable, Chandler. You can't do that!".

"Well...", he trailed off, unsure of saying anything else. "I sort of already did".

"If you weren't my best friend, I'd punch you so hard in the face you would never feel it again!".

"But before you do, how about I buy you a new TV for your living room?", he joked.

Alycia rolled her eyes and ignored him as they walked inside the Central Perk where everyone but Joey were currently in.

"Hey, Chandler, I saw the new furniture in the house", Ross smiles to him when him and Alycia walked closer to them.

"Joey has the best boyfriend ever", Monica smirked.

Alycia gave Chandler a serious look, almost demanding him to confess his actions to their friends just with one look. Chandler got the hint, looking back at all of them.

"I kissed Kathy", he said. All the friends freaked out inmediately.

"Does Joey know?", Phoebe asked, alarmed.

"No. Is there any way you think he'll understand this?".

Monicha chuckled, "Well, you obviously haven't screwed over a lot of your friends".

"You know, if you would've told him how you felt before you kissed her, knowing Joey he'd moved aside".

"Don't say that", Chandler pleaded. "That's not true, is it?", he looks at the four girls that quickly nod, agreeing with Ross. "Why didn't you tell me that before?!", Chandler looks at Alycia, freaking out.

"I did. Twice. But you didn't have the balls to actually say anything to him about it!", Alycia argued.

Chandler sighed, knowing it was true and that everything was his fault. She did told him to confess his feelings, but he was too afraid to screw things up with Joey. Now, things were even worse.

"You're gonna have to tell him", Rachel said.

"And for once, listen to the advice", Alycia added, sitting down on the couch.

"That's is actually more like an order", Monica added after her, giving Chandler a stern look.

"Hey, is it okay if I write a song about this?", Ross asked to Chandler, completely changing the subject.

"You're still playing?", Alycia asked him in disbelief. "I mean, that's awesome. People should totally be able to hear your sound".

Monica and Rachel tried to hide their playful smiles after her comment, although Ross was way to focused on Alycia to even notice the two girls' expressions.

"That's so sweet, thank you!", Ross said, trully meaning it. "I'll make sure to make a song about you too".

"I'm jealous", Monica sighed, following Alycia's lie.

"Ugh. Me too", Phoebe muttered too, crossing her arms.

"Relax, I'll make songs for all of you", Ross smiled at his sister and friend.

Rachel couldn't hold her laughter, chuckling shortly before covering her mouth with her hand. Ross gave her a questioning look as she shakes her head. "I'm laughing because I'm just excited to hear them!".

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