"Not one that can pee on the roof", Monica pointed out due to the size of the dog.

"Maybe it's so big because the house was built on radioactive waste".

"Okay, now I want to play", Alycia teased, earning a glare from Monica.

Phoebe smiled at Alycia as she kept putting stuff out of the box while Monica cringed at her.

"This is in case the house sneezes?", Chandler asked while taking a white handkerchief out of the box.

"No, that's the ghost for the attic".

"I don't want a ghost", Monica complained.

"Nobody wants a ghost, but you've got one", Phoebe replied. "That's because the house is sitting on an ancient indian burial ground".

"Wait a minute", Ross said. "The house was built on radioactive waste and an acient indian burial ground? That would never happen".

"Alright, clearly you don't know much about the US goverment", Phoebe argued back.

"Hi", Rachel greeted when she walked inside the living room. "I need to talk to you".

"Sure, what's up?", Ross stood up.

"I meant Chandler".

"And so his heart shaterred in a million pieces", Alycia mutters to Phoebe.

She chuckles. "So is his confidence".

Ross glared at them. "Just so you know, I can hear you".

The three girls and Ross sat around the dollhouse as Phoebe started playing with the dinosaur.

"Dinosaur attack!", she shouts.

"No, no, no", Monica stops her. "No dinosaurs, no ghosts, no giant dogs. They're not the right size, they're not victorians and they just don't go".

"Fine", Phoebe took all her stuff back in the box to leave the apartment.

"Hey, I noticed something's troubling you", Alycia points out.

"Am I that obvious?", Joey asked.

"Yeah", she smiles. "Besides, you literally said: something's troubling me about five minutes ago and been silent ever since".

"There's this woman I work with in a play, her name's Kate. She's really beautiful and I think I'm really starting to like her– like, really liking her. Anyway, I tried asking her out but she's blowing me off and now I feel like Chandler!".

"You really like her?", she asked a little surprised. "I mean, I never heard you talking about liking a girl for more than five minutes".

Joey sighed again. "Yeah, I've never felt like this before", he lied.

"Hey, if she doesn't want to go out with you then she's the most stupid woman in the world. Who wouldn't want to date you?".

"I don't know what to do", he insisted.

"If she can't see how great you are, it really doesn't worth it. You could have any other woman, someone that trully appreciates you".

Alycia smiles at him softly before focusing back on her maganize, not noticing Joey's face after what she said.

The only woman he wanted to date before Kate only sees him as a friend.

"What is happening?", Alycia asked in total confussion after she entered Monica's apartment and Joey went up to her for a hug.

"Things with Kate worked out", Joey said happily.

"Are we talking about the woman I told you wasn't worth it?".

"Clearly he didn't listen", Monica smiled ironically.

"Oh, well", Alycia pulled away from Joey's embrace. "I'm happy things worked out".

"She's so amazing. I mean, after we made–".

"Ew. I don't want to hear it", Alycia quickly cuts him off. " I'm just here for a nice breakfast, not a talk about your sex life".

Ross and Monica gave her odd looks as she sat on the table and took one of the toasts Monica just putted on the table. The friends often talk about their dates, and mentioning something related to sex isn't at all uncomfortable for them at this point in thier friendship, especially if the sex talk is coming from Joey.

Alycia didn't know why, but the Kate subject really bothered her.

It was night time and Alycia was in Monica's apartment with her, Rachel and Phoebe eating pizza and watching movies. It was their classic girl's night that only they knew about. If the boys ever find out, they would like to be part of them and would ruin the entire concept of a girl's night.

"I can't believe Joey thinks he's in love", Alycia shakes her head. "It's totally ridicoulous!".

Phoebe chuckled. "I know, right? I mean, it's Joey".

"I was talking about the fact he met that woman not so long ago, but that's a good point too", she replied.

"I think it's cute that he's finally having actual feelings towards someone", Rachel shrugged. "I'm happy for him".

"Me too", Monica agrees with a smile.

Alycia decided to sit back on the couch with her pizza in silence as the girls started talking about something else, not noticing her behaviour.

She should be happy for him, she should be happy about her friend finally falling in love with someone.

But for some reason, she can't.

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