"Well, first I was caught up with something at work and he showed up at my office with a basket filled with food to celebrate ouf anniversary and I kicked him out. Then when I got home we argued a little, I even said he treated me like a forest ranger or something I- I don't know why I said that. Then he brought Mark into the conversation and I just lost it. I mean, I'm tired of having the same fight over and over!", Rachel explained. "And then I told him I wanted to take a break. I don't want to take a break".

"Oh, sweetie, I'm sorry".

"That's not all".

"Could there really be anything else?", she asked surprised but decided to let her speak.

"Mark called and I told him what happened and he showed up at my place with Chinese food but then Ross decided to call. He heard Mark's voice and he hang up on me and I don't know where he is because he's not answering his phone. He's either ignoring me or not at his place".

"Maybe he's out and just needs to clear his mind. Ross is so in love with you that I'm sure he'll call you tomorrow when both of you are feeling better".

"Oh, I hope so", Rachel sighed. "You mind if I stay tonight? Monica's not home and I don't want to be alone".

"Sure, absoloutely".

Rachel sat on the couch and started calling Ross to leave a message to tell him to call Alycia's number if he wanted to talk. She was so sad to see her friend this way and she tried all night to make her feel better.

"Leave my friends alone!", Alycia screamed as she's entering Monica's room with a bat. She noticed her and Phoebe sitting on Monica's bed, waxing. "Oh my God, I thought you were being murdered!"

"Where did you got the bat?", Monica asked.

"Rachel had it in her room", she shrugged. "Anyway, what's going on?"

"Monica bought Waxine and it's worst than going to hell", Phoebe replied.

"But it looks so not painful on TV", Alycia points out.

"I know!", Monica shouts. "We just took one stripe out and I cannot feel my leg".

"Okay, here's what we're gonna do", Alycia started. "I pulled them off, you hug each other in pain. Good?"

"I'd rather chop my legs off", Phoebe said.

Monica took Phoebe's hand, breathing heavily. "Do it".

Alycia started pulling all the stripes off her friends legs as they screamed in pain. When they were over, Joey and Chandler entered the room with a frypan, freaking out over all the screaming.

"It's okay, guys. They're just waxing their legs".

"Off?", Chandler asked.

"For your information, this is a pain no man will ever experience!", Phoebe replied.

"Easy to say when you haven't been kicked in the place God made to only be treated nicely".

"Yeah, it's just a little wax", Joey added.

"Oh yeah?", Phoebe said right before taking his arm and putting the wax on it and putting the stripe on top of it.

"That's mature", Chandler points out.

"C'mon, Joey, pull it off", Alycia smiles.

He pulled it off with confidence, making a barely audible noise in pain, making the three girls smile at his defeat.

"Rachel, talk to me please!", they heard Ross' voice.

"I can't even look at you right now!", Rachel replied while Chandler closed the door so the couple wouldn't know they were there.

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