Boys, Bombs and B*tches

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HEYY! I'm Vannie and this is the first story I have ever posted here on Wattpad... It's a story written by both myself and a close friend. Read, enjoy, vote...


The computerised screech of the alarm filled the silent gap that engulfed the dark room. A hand shot up from underneath the quilt and blindly searched for the alarm on the small stand beside the bed. Finally retrieving the device, he hit the stop button to silence the screaming box. Failing, he resorted to screaming at the inanimate object.

“Damn you turn off!” he was beginning to lose what little patience he had left, not being much of a morning person. Giving up, he hurled the clock at the wall hearing the satisfying sound of it breaking at the point of collision.

He grumbled to himself as he reluctantly rolled out from under the embrace of his warm, king-sized bed. Looking around the expansive room, while his feet met with the cold tiles below, he stumbled slightly. Rubbing his eyes trying to further awaken himself and making his way past the scattered boxes he was yet to unpack, he hit the light switch, shielding his eyes from the blinding bulb above. Blinking several times to adjust to the lighting, he trudged over to his bathroom sink and positioned his arms on either side.

After attacking his face with ice cold water to pull himself out of his partially unconscious state, he glanced at the mirror. What stared back at him was not the face of a healthy seventeen year old; in fact it was one of a middle aged workaholic. He found small eye bags created by sleepless nights he had suffered for reasons he could not explain because he didn’t know what they were himself. He also managed to pick out small traces of frown lines he obtained by the intolerance and disapproval he had of everyone and everything.

After a quick ten minutes of getting ready, he made his way through the blistering cold towards his car. Neither did he feel the nerve nor excitement of attending a new school like many others often. As a matter of fact, he quite resented high school and its arrogant labels and unfair social hierarchy. However, he managed to mentally sub-side the mini epiphany and focus on what seemed to be a hell written day planned for him.

Unlocking the car door, he jumped in immediately in an attempt to escape the possibility of frostbite eating at his fingertips. Turning up the heat was the first thing he did after starting up the engine. The sweet sensation of the hot and cold atmospheres fusing together left a tingle down his back. Backing out of the driveway, his icy, white fingers reached out upon instinct and jabbed the on button of the radio. The rock music soon filled the silent car.

Arriving at Millbury High, he searched high and low, left and right for a parking spot.

I should leave for school earlier, he thought, laughing dryly at the chance of that ever happening. It was times like this that he missed his sleek black and silver motorbike (which had been removed from his possession in light of recent, unfortunate events) as it fit into tiny spaces without hassle.

By the time a parking spot close enough to the school was acquired the bell was rung, signalling his tardiness. He made his way up the never ending staircase towards the office; it was the first school he knew with the office on the highest level. He scanned he room and locked gazes with a lady in her mid-to-late twenties. Assuming she was the right person to speak to, judging from her sophisticated attire and her access the desk behind the counter, he strode to her.

She didn’t even begin to try to hide the fact she was checking him out, even if there was basically a ten year gap. She analysed him from the damp, messy hair that say at the roof of his head, all the way through to his oversized jumper, jeans and muddy boots. Sure he wasn’t dressed at his best, and yes, he was drenched in rain water, but this guy was born with features that would not betray him.

Boys, Bombs and B*tchesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon