I sigh and shake my head, "I can't, I need to sleep."

"Not right now, you don't, let's go," her voice has went from the gentle, soothing tone I'm so used to hearing, to an authoritative one.  

My head falls forward in defeat, I throw back the covers and swing my legs over the edge of the bed, shooting Gretchen a dissatisfied look before I stand to head to the bathroom.  Since I'm forced out of my bed, I take the time to pee, clean myself up and put on a new pair of the adult briefs. I step into my closet and force my milk swollen breasts into a bra. Looking into the mirror to see my sagging, bulging belly, I huff and begin looking for a dress to conceal it.  Several dresses get removed from hangers and put on, only to be pulled back off, and thrown to the floor.  The pile of discarded dresses grows at my feet. 

Gretchen appears in the doorway of my closet as I'm pulling on yet another dress, tears of frustration are building in my eyes as I look into the mirror.  When I start to yank this dress back off she stops me, "This one is fine, put on those shoes," she points the one pair of tennis shoes that I own, I glare at her.  "Now," she says and folds her arms over her chest, I grab the shoes and head to my vanity chair to sit down.  When the shoes are tied onto my bare feet, Gretchen takes my hand and leads me out through the bedroom and to the top of the stairs. 

I stop dead in my tracks at the top of the stairs, her eyes question me.  "I haven't went down these stairs since the day I suspected I was pregnant," I explain. 

"Come on," she says gently and starts down the staircase, I follow carefully.  Prince enters the foyer from his office to watch us coming down the stairs, he's empty handed. 

"Where's Ramiel?" I ask when I reach the landing. 

"Sleeping in his bassinet, in my office," he says calmly, smiling at me as his eyes scan the dress. "It's nice to see you in a dress again," he kisses my cheek but he's fully aware that my hand travels to press at my belly. 

"We'll be back in about twenty minutes or so," Gretchen tells Prince.  When I gape at her, she moves to the front door and opens it, "Let's go."

I look back at Prince waiting for him to intervene, he presses on my shoulder for me to follow.  When I turn he takes the opportunity to playfully swat my butt, now I gape at him.  "Go," he says with a sparkly eyed smile.  I hear him chuckle as I'm lead out the door and he returns to the office. 

Gretchen is already several feet ahead of me and I quicken my pace to catch up, "What are we doing?"

"Walking," she says as I struggle to match her quick pace.

I focus on staying paced with her and don't say anything until we pass the fourth house on the street. These are large properties, so we've walked a distance almost equivalent to a city block.  I start to glance back toward the house, "How far are we going?"

"A little bit," she pauses, "Prince says you haven't left the house since you've been home."  I look at her and shake my head, I am just now starting to feel the sun's warmth on my skin, there's a gentle breeze, I smell fresh cut grass. Gretchen takes note that I'm finally becoming aware of my surroundings, she stops and smiles, "Hi," she pats my shoulder and starts walking again.  I frown at the oddness of what just happened and catch up to her again. 

We walk for three more houses before Gretchen crossed the street and we start to walk back towards our house.  As we near the house she eyes me, "Do you want to keep going?"

I look longingly toward the house, but I'm feeling somewhat more energized, so I say, "A little bit."  She smiles and we walk down four more houses before returning home. 

As we make our way up the walk, I can hear the piano even before we enter the house, it stops when the door opens.  Ramiel's bassinet is on the floor beside the piano, and Prince turns on the bench to face us. He smiles when he sees me and pats the bench beside him, I cross the foyer and sit down next to him. 

Gretchen looks pleased, but still emits concern, "I want you both to leave the house everyday, at least for thirty minutes to an hour.  Alone, or together, just get outside, okay?"  Prince and Gretchen both wait for me to nod in agreement, and I'm pretty sure they had already discussed this.  She looks at me squarely, "I mean it."

"Yes, Ma'am," I agree. 

"Good, I'll be checking on you again soon," she approaches me and pulls me into a hug before she gathers her things and lets herself out. 

"Are you hungry?" Prince asks after she's gone. 

"Yes," I'm actually starving after that walk. 

"Good, come on," Prince takes my hand and starts to pull me from the piano bench.  When I hesitate and look down at Ramiel, he chuckles, "He'll be fine, Sugar, he's not going anywhere."

I follow Prince into the kitchen to grab a bite to eat while our baby snoozes away in his bassinet.

Forever In My LIFE  (Book 4) 2nd AlternateWhere stories live. Discover now