Chapter One : Alone

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Johnathan P.O.V

I get out of the shower and dry off. I put some shorts on but not a shirt revealing my chest with a shark on it and on my right arm I have a snake on top of a skull. It's pretty cool to be honest my friends never seen them . I walk out of the bathroom and go to the kitchen getting greeted by my red nose pit bull . I love him so much . But I'm going somewhere for a month so I asked my mother if she could watch him and she said yes . So I'm going to miss him so much . " Hey there buddy " I smile and pet his head and I see him wag his tail happily. I then hear a knock at my door and walk over to it and open it seeing my mother with his cage .

* TIME SKIP * (I'm to lazy my dudes )

After we got done with that I waved her goodbye and closed my door locking it and look around. The house felt empty without my dog being here... I felt... Sad... I sighed and started packing up my things . As I finished I put on a shirt and my mask and shoes and headed out to the air port . After I got there with my things I got on and I felt nervous because I was going somewhere that I never been! Well at least I'm just visiting a friend... And stating there for a month but hopefully nothing bad happens for example " the week " I fucking hate being a omega it sucks ass....

[ I'm ending it on this part because I have more planned my loves ]

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