Chapter 1

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|| Chapter 1

One year later

"Unnie, Unnie, do you have my lunch?" My younger sister, Chae-Rin runs up to me.

"Yes, be patient." I carry her up onto the chair, "are you driving her today or am I?" My older brother, Chan-Yeol picks up the car keys.

"You take her today, I am going to be late for school." I pack Chae-Rin's lunch into her lunch box.

"Okay, take care." Chan-Yeol smiles and held Chae-Rin's hand when walking out.

Chan-Yeol is 23 years old, he graduated from medical school last year and he's still paying debts so I am working a part time job to help him.

Chae-Rin is 5 years old, she was indeed an accident... But a cute accident.

Mother and father works in a restaurant together, Chan-Yeol works in a small clinic as a helper.

I gather my laptop and my books and head out.

"You're going to be late..." My boyfriend, Ji-Ho frowns at me.

I met Ji-Ho in the first year of university, we have been together for two years now.

Ji-Ho is an athlete, he worked really hard to be my boyfriend, but lately school has been taking much of our time.

"Thanks for waiting, Oppa." I smile and get into the passenger's seat.

"Oppa, I think it's going to snow today, did you bring a coat?" I ask, excited that it might snow.

"Why'd you asked me that when you didn't bring a coat?" Ji-Ho shakes his head at me.

Ji-Ho drives me to my campus and drops me off, he pecks me on the cheek and waves goodbye.

"Yah, you're almost late." Tae Ri checks her watch, "shouldn't you be used to it by now?" I ask cheekily.


Hee-Chul ❤️: yah ryeongie, dinner? we're back

Shin Dong 🧡: i know you missed us ~

Me: dinner on you guys?

Yesung 😡: 😒

Me: 😂 i will confirm with you guys soon, i might have plans later on

Ryeowook 💜: just come along


I wait underneath the shelter, waiting for Ji-Ho to come and pick me up. Hopefully, he didn't forget again.

Oh, my bag is so heavy.

A black car stops in front of me with tinted windows, the passenger seat door open and Yesung steps out.

"Oh!" My eyes widen at the sight of him, "you're late for dinner." He stands in front of me.

"But I didn't agree..." I murmured, "just get into the car." He opens the passenger door for me.

"Chae-Ryeong ah, you have gotten prettier." Hee-Chul commented.

I smiled at his compliment, "oh Chae-Ryeong ah, it's snowing." Yesung then says.

"Really?!" I turn around and a snowflake lands on the tip of Yesung's nose.

"Get in the car!" Hee-Chul shouted.

Yesung push me lightly into the car and shut the door.

"Yah, Baek Chae-Ryeong!" Ji-Ho opens the door, "Oppa!" Ji-Ho held me by the wrist.

"Yah, wait a minute!" Shin Dong gets out of the car.

"Oppa, they're my friends!" I shout before anything happens.

"Yah, why can't you wait a few more minutes?" Ji-Ho stares down at me.

"Excuse me, lets just have dinner." Hee-Chul interrupts us.

The trip to the restaurant was silent and awkward, nobody bothered to make a conversation.

We arrive at my parent's restaurant, I sit in between Ji-Ho and Yesung.

"What should we order?" Lee Teuk ask.

"A lot of fried chicken, " I say in a low tone, feeling a little awkward.

"And beef," Shin Dong says, "and pork!" Shin Dong and I says in unison. We both laugh and high five each other.

"Mother!" Hee-Chul calls out to my mother.

"No, I will do it." I say, standing up.

"Oh, you boys are back?" Mother steps out of the kitchen.

"I will cook a lot." Father smiles at them.

"Mother, father, I am here too." Ji-Ho raise his hand up.

I shake my head and prepare the vegetables.

"Ramen or rice?" I ask the boys, "both." Eunhyuk answers immediately.

I prepare all the ingredients and bring it out to the table, "soju..." I place the bottles on the table and distribute the shot glasses to everyone.

"Don't you have school tomorrow? Is it a good time to be drinking?" Mother put her hand on my shoulder, "I am a good drinker." I assured her.

"Mother, we're graduating this year." Ji-Ho says, getting a fried chicken for himself.

"Chae Ryeong, eat well." Dong Hae gets a spoonful of stir-fried octopus and place it on top of my rice bowl.

"Gomawo," I eat a mouthful.

"Will you let me marry your daughter?" Ji-Ho ask.

"Pardon?" Mother's face went pale.

Okay, she does not approve.

"Eomma, we're running out of chicken!" I changed the subject.

I nudge Yesung to get into the act with me, "oh yes, Chae-Ryeong getting married will be the most fantastic event that will happen." Yesung blurts out.

I put my hand to my forehead, mother let out a chuckle and went back into the kitchen.

"Ah, Oppa..."

"What?" Ji-Ho and Yesung says at the same time.

Si-Won laughs, "happy marriage." He jokes.

"Oppa, don't get the wrong idea–"

"You want more time? I know." Ji-Ho completes my sentence.

Everyone starts talking to each other, and I stay quiet.

"Oppa, it's cold." I tug on Ji-Ho's coat, "you should've brought your coat... You informed me of the weather today." Ji-Ho frowns at me.

I let go of his coat, "I got you." Sungmin passes down his coat.

Yesung throws it around my back, "gomawo." I bowed, my shaking hands hitting the table.

I wish my boyfriend would hold my hand and keep me warm at times like this.

I can't believe he's talking about marriage.

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