Legendary Partner

Start from the beginning

« He has fire, » you thought, « not everyone dared to come so close to me without screaming in fright and running away like mad rabbits ».

You tilted your head to the side and approached your paw next to the man. However, it seemed to be too close because the Cloak immediately detached itself from Stephen's shoulders and jumped at your limb, pushing you away. The relic levitated in the air and grabbed your claw raising it high enough and pushing back until it was a safe personal space of its master.

You chuckled at the behaviour of the item, not surprised at all and turned your paw so it could glide above your palm. Stephen 's mouth fell open when you spoke :

« What a strange companion. Loyal to the bone. Careful to not be torn apart by my claws, Cloak of Levitation. » you said in a hoarse voice, while you raised your paw next to your face.

The Cloak stopped dead in its track and turned towards you as if it was looking at you. It seemed like it was debating as you could see its edge trembling when suddenly it touched your scaly cheek, stroking it cautiously. When it noticed you didn't seem to mind, the soft relic clapped the extremities of the collar and flew back to Stephen.

« Y.. You can speak ? »

You turned your attention to the sorcerer.

« I speak thousand of languages. »

He nodded at your statement. His eyebrows furrowed in confusion, one of his gloved finger hanging over his scarlet lips.

« Are you a Sphinx ? »

You laughed, booming with laughter. He jumped in surprise at your outburst. Have you ever seen a dragon laugh?It's so noisy and frightening!

« Absolutely not. Did I offer you a riddle, man? »

He rose to his feet, looking at you, sparks of wonder shining in his cerulean eyes.

« No, you didn't. What are you, if I may as? »

You lowered your head to his level.

« Why would I tell you ? You interrupted my bathing and peaceful afternoon. I sought nothing with humans because if they knew what I am, what do you think they would do ? »

« Kill you, » he stated bluntly.

You nodded.

« You already know what I am, sorcerer. Is it the Ancient One who sent you? »

He shook his head.

« I'm sorry to announce you, she passed away while fighting Kaecilius. »

His eyes darkened with sadness and you said in a smooth voice.

« I already know that, man, I can sense death when it touched persons I hold dear in my heart. I meant, had she ever told you about my presence before ? Did she send you before her death perhaps ? »

He shook his head again.

« No, I followed the rumours and curiosity got the best of me. But I don't regret it at all. »

You chuckled.

« What is your name, sorcerer of the Mystic Arts ? »

He smirked, no more scared to speak to a mythical being. He seemed to be at ease with your presence.

« Doctor Stephen Strange. Do you have a name, dragon ? If you say Smaug, I'll have a word with Tolkien.»

It was your turn to smirk now. You nodded your head and changed back into your human form.

« I'm Y/N. Nice to meet you, Doctor Strange. And Nice reference Stephen. »

He blinked as he looked up and down at you, completely in awe of your performance.

« Now what do you want, Stephen? I'm sure you had an idea of what you were going to face when you arrived right ? »

« Yes I did. »

« So what do you want ? »

Lost in thought, he didn't realise the words escaping his lips.

« A date ? »

You burst out of laughing.

« You are bold, Stephen. Careful to not burn yourself with your dauntless and reckless words. »

He scratched the back of his head, embarrassed and looked at you from the corner of his eyes, while the Cloak slapped his head, parenting him.

« Would you like to come to the Sanctum with me and help us in defeating Thanos ? »

« Who is « us »? » you asked.

« The Avengers, or rather what is left of them and King T'Challa the Black Panther. You may know them . »

You grinned.

« Of course, I know them. I don't spend all my time in my dragon form, I know your world Stephen. It is not ready for me. »

He argued, stepping closer.

« It is not ready for Thanos. Help us. We need to be prepared. Please. » he pleaded,

You had barely met him but you already felt a connection with the sorcerer. You sighed.

« I'll come on one condition. »

A wide smile tugged at Stephen's lips, highlighting his handsome features and making your heart sped up.

« I'm listening. »

« Once this is over, you let me go. If I stay or not in the human world is my choice and only my choice. Is it clear? »

« Crystal. »

He opened a portal raising his hands up and activating the Mystic Arts transportation way.

« After you, Y/N. »

You rolled your eyes and stepped in. The natural environment left place to the centre of a building.

« Welcome to the Sanctum of New York, Y/N. » he said brightly to you.

* A Few hours later*

Stephen had provided you all the material you needed to train and to contact, including a phone and a laptop. You enhanced hearing allowed you to hear the following conversation :

« Did you seriously put « Smaug » as your phone contact for Y/N ? » Wong asked, blinking while your laugh could be heard in the corridors of the Sanctum.

« Did you really have to say hat out loud ? » Stephen asked, bursted.

A/N: So did you like it?

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